Noah is delighted with the attention he's getting from his new Aunt Missy and she's delighted to give it.

This is the first time that cousins Noah and Alexia have ever played together and what better play medium than water. Best of all, it washes off! The shade of the garage became the favored gathering place - the front deck was too small and the back deck too hot.

Allison and Alexia decided this was the girl's tent - girls only. No stinky boys allowed! That's what Alexia is saying.

We had ordered this palm tree from a sculptor who lives in our valley to celebrate both of our landmark birthday's this year. It was delivered Friday morning before our guests began to arrive. I spoke to my niece a little later and learned that my brother had passed away early that same morning. Ian and I decided that in installing it the same day, it is a marker for all three of us. Only I can assure you that Bob would never have paid for this - he would have found something to trade. That's the way he liked it, but we think he approves just the same.
Oh it looks like you all had a fun time - there are big smiles on everyones faces in all the pictures.
I'm so sorry about your brother. I don't think I could bear it to lose one of my sisters - I hope you have many good memories of him to help you through this time.
Have a safe trip up to Oregon & Washington! T.
My condolences Sharon, may he rest in peace.
I loved all the photos and can see why Ian was so excited... what great fun having all those guests. It has been nice to have a few emails back and forth and I have been thinking much about you as you go through this grieving time.
Oh Sharon, I didn't realize your brother died before you even headed our way. I'm so sorry you didn't get to see him one last time.
I got your email and your message on our answering machine; thanks for letting us know what was up. Perhaps it wouldn't have worked out anyway; we were out of town over the weekend on our last horsecamping trip of the season. Any other days besides when we were gone would have been great to have you visit, but if you were only available on the weekend, then it wouldn't have worked. I DO wish we could have met, and talked sheep, and hugged . . . .
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