To my surprise, I got a letter from the Brewery Arts Center last month saying that the remodel-
ing of the
Artisans' Store was nearly completed and asked me to submit a statement of interest, which I did. They anticipate that foot traffic will increase because of the added coffee shop, so I decided to try these three bags - you know, test the waters. They were apparently too pricey to be successful in the old store.

I asked Allison if she'd care to accom-
pany me and she said she would, but that she had to teach at
Jimmy Beans until 1:00. I told Ian that was just too late -I wanted to get down there and get home. He told me to just go when she was available and enjoy the visit - he's a wise man. It look me all morning, from the time that Charlie started playing cat hockey on the bed at 7:30 until 11:55 when I loaded the car, to get everything refreshed, relabeled and new inventory sheets printed. I had five minutes to wash my face, brush my hair and change clothes - no time to shower - it took me ten minutes and I just made it on time. This picture in the back of my car is a summary of my morning labors and many many hours of work. I'm disappointed that is doesn't look like more.

We stopped at the new Whole Foods and had a salad before heading south. Allison says a nickname for Whole Foods is Whole Paycheck. That was a new cultural experience for me. My organic store experiences were co-ops, open binned foods and hippies. I've know Allison since 1996 and just learned that she is a fly fisherman. Driving back home, she asked me if I wanted to stop and see "her" pond. This is a county park in Washoe Valley.

This is Allison's pond. It sits at the base of Slide Mountain, so named because the southeast side of the mountain slumped off in a slide that formed foothills of rubble on its eastern base.

And here is Allison's pond with the Sierras and Slide Mountain as backdrop. So many people think of Las Vegas, casinos and neon lights when they think of Nevada. I want people to think of this.

We took a wrong turn leaving the County park and had to turn around, but not before I snapped this picture. I asked Allison if she minded my jumping out to shoot it and she said, just leave the car running. It was 95 degrees. I didn't relish returning my stuff to BAC and it turned out to be a really nice day. Life surprises me like that all the time.