I drove over to Mim's today on this fantas- tically beautiful afternoon. I had actually emailed her a couple of days ago when it was still unrelentingly gray. We sat on the front porch and just shot the breeze. This is the view I first experienced in my visit to the valley and the view that convinced me that I needed to live in the valley too. She has a new shed to replace the one the metal one that blew two parcels away. Juan, her fence guy, and his crew poured a concrete foundation, built the shed and then bolted it to the concrete. I have sheep shed envy. Notice her first twins with their mom in the shade. I walked with her as she moved sprinklers. The more grass she can grow, the less hay she has to buy. This is the first truly lovely day we've had and I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon. I brought up a large box that was left at the gate. It was her electric fence that she's going to use to let her sheep browse through that grass, organic mowing! I stopped and got out of the car to catch this because I think the pinnacles are so pretty - they're partially in the first photo I took. And the clouds are nice window dressing. I came home with these beautiful little gems. How lucky am I to have a friend who lives in my valley and sells these farm fresh eggs at $3.00 a dozen?!! Shush - don't tell Mim. The organic eggs cost a heck of a lot more in the grocery store and they're not nearly as fresh. And look what else I came home with. I lost complete self control when I saw this hogget fleece. It's such an unusual fleece and, well, I don't know what else to say. Look at this unusual lock - from red-brown tips, to morrit color, to white at the shearing. I've never seen such dramatic color change in one growth and haven't decided how I want to treat the preparation - I'll do it myself but not sure how. After dinner I was surprised that it was still in the 70s outside so took my book and my dogs and sat on the front porch for a while.
As a new spinner, I can't wait to see how that fleece spins up!!! That is lovely! You had such a great day in your little valley!
Please test spin some of that fleece! I am dying to see what it looks like!!!
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