I called Sports Authority from the car and asked if they carried Finis swim goggles. She said, we sure do! The gym is at the north end of the Truckee Meadows and the store it at least 20 minutes south - that's why I called. I couldn't find the Finis goggles so asked a clerk to help me. She cheerfully showed the Swedish brand swim goggles. I guess all Scandinavians run together in her brain. Actually, I've since learned that Finis is a Northern California company - sigh. I bought Tyr anti-fog goggles and for the first time can see underwater. It's really weird looking into the faces of swimmers as we pass each other in the lanes but it's also kinda cool.

The program at my weaving guild meeting tonight was a hands-on presen-
tation of pick-up in inkle weaving. Beryl Moody and Igor Raven came over from Nevada City to present this program and then drove back afterwards. I complain that I drive two hours for an 1 1/2 meeting. They drove four hours! They have both been huge influences in my weaving life so I didn't think I was interested in the subject, but I wouldn't have missed them unless I had broken legs and couldn't shift my car. Beryl prepped all four of those looms for us to mess up.

I got to chat with Beryl about the turned taquete towels that I've been weaving. I got the pattern from her. She told me about the colors that she likes to pair, and I came away with a plan for a little different warp, but I'll wait for my new yarns to get here. I could have had them en route by now, but I'm so horrible with numbers that I muffed up the online order. They emailed me that I got an F in credit card information. Okay, not quite that harsh. So I'll just have to weave the next lap robe. Since I spun and dyed the wool, I don't have to wait for delivery.
We started the meeting with the election of officers. I'm so excited - Igor and Beryl are going to do the newsletter for next year. I got a call several months ago from Lorene, asking if I'd be willing to accept the nomination of president. We are a small guild and everyone has had a turn at the offices. I've been lurking. I felt it only fair to say yes, since I've never served in any office and this guild has fed me for a very long time. So ta-da - the 2012/2013 prez is I. In with the new.
Congratulations, President Sharon!
I love inkle weaving - so glad you're starting to enjoy it!
Congrats on the presidency! & Good luck with it...
Congratulations!!! You seem to have a great guild, so I know you'll enjoy working with everyone. I find the Inkle loom very relaxing...you can take it with you from room to room!
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