We've had a pretty cool June so far. The walls of water are still on the tomatoes because it's been near freezing several nights. I loved the clouds spilling over Petersen Mountain yesterday morning, almost like San Francisco fog. Notice the tree candles are following the morning sun.
Last evening I got an email from
Robin. We've read each others blogs and exchanged emails for years. We're both soap makers and she wanted to know if she could call with some questions on making cold process soap. She's in Ohio so two hours ahead - we ended up talking for two hours and I can't imagine what time she went to bed. It was fantastic. I've never talked to another soap maker before. We spent the first hour catching up on what our kids are doing. The biggest surprise of all is Robin's strong southern accent. We were trading book titles and I had to get her to stop and spell for me a couple of times. Thank you Internet and social media!

I really pushed color on this warp. I mean, that is just plain ugly. I finished it yesterday morning and then had to break for lunch, with the worry in the back of my brain that I had gone too far this time.

Once I started adding weft, things settled into place. Once again, I'm surprised at how well the colors work together. I tried to get spots of color in the block weave this time instead of stripes. I'm going to do another variation on this and have made notes for the changes. I could do the same thing twice, but I probably won't.

I wove off a towel this morning and then came downstairs to get the warp on this workshop loom before lunch. The class is for Pebble Weave, and while I have no idea what that is, I borrowed Jeanne's loom and signed up. I don't have many opportunities for a weaving workshop so I take whatever I can get, whenever I can get it. After lunch and a reading break, I wove a couple more towels. I really pushed a lot into this day.
This evening I was reading Facebook and saw my daughter's comment - Thank you Thursday for finally being over. Blink, blink. Today is Thursday? I don't have to pack the loom into the car tomorrow morning and drive in first thing to the workshop. I asked Ian - what day is it? He looked surprised. Date or day? Day, I said. Thursday, he replied. I lost a day - I have whole entire day that I hadn't planned on - awesome! I am gob smacked.
Lucky... I usually realize I've lost a day and I'm behind :)
Just wait, it'll happen again. If it wasn't for certain things I need to do, I probably would be totally unaware of what day it is all the time instead of just some of the time.
Yay for the extra day!! I just keeping looking for an extra hour or two.
Your towels look great. One of the reasons your colors are playing nicely together is that many of the tones in your warp are of similar value. Value matters almost as much as hue when getting threads to work together. Nice Work!
Another great towel warp!
Glad you've gained an extra day rather than lost it like I would do!
Funny; I didn't think your warp was ugly at all, and those aren't even "my" colors!
Have fun at the workshop; you should be refreshed and ready with that extra day and all. :-) Laura is bringing her little sampling loom to BSG for me to borrow; if this starts another hobby my hubby may shoot you!
What a lovely bonus! I wish someone would "gift" me with an extra day like that - as long as it was on the weekend. :)
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