I've appointed him to the food committee for next year and he has accepted. Right now I am the food committee but everyone pitches in. We expect close to a hundred on both Saturday and Sunday, but so much is barbeque and potluck sides that I'm not worried. The homebrewer's tasting will be about 4:00 on Saturday, and if you're reading this and you live within driving distance, this is your invitation. Come. Anytime. Oh yeah, I need to write name tags on the shopping list tomorrow.
About the truck, Ian called and spoke to a sheriff. He said since the insurance company already has referred us to a body shop, that means the other driver has admitted guilt. Nothing is going to happen this week but at least it's good to know we're not hanging out there - I hope resolution is coming.

I was supposed to submit placemats this week to the Artist's Coop for their September show, and I feel terribly unsupportive but I'm out of time. I did finish the annual budget for our fiber guild late this afternoon. Our guild board are all freshmen, we are learning by the seat of our pants and I'm thrilled to have such eager smart people supporting me. I'm the prez. I said that before, right?
I did the itemized shopping list for tomorrow right after that. Out of all the prep for the Gathering, I've arrived with a seasoned committee, kinda like a board, only I told them, they're not elected, nominated by me and I'm the prez. Ian and I are ready and we can't wait to see everyone.
A friend from my book club sent me this. If you're an NPR junkie like I am, I'm sure you will appreciate this fresh face of Fresh Air host, Terry Gross. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Meanwhile, I'll be back in a week - after Sparking Boy. That's what friends affectionately call this weekend, since it's the same weekend as Burning Man and we have a campus of trailers and tents.
Beautiful colours. Hope you show us a picture, when woven a little, soon. :-)
Sounds like you have some exciting days coming up!!!! Enjoy! I'm looking forward to seeing this warp after you start weaving....love the colors!
Gosh, a beautiful warp and a gathering of friends. What could be better?
Have a fun weekend! Sounds like a blast!
Okay, that was funny in a very weird way. Always interesting to see what someone whose voice you know looks like!
Wow! Sounds like a big weekend -- have a terrific time.
I'm really excited about that movie (fellow NPR fan) and seeing a special screening with Ira Glass himself. : )
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