Ian and I went shopping for a floor lamp to light up the living room corner. We found very few floor lamps in consignment stores but what we did see amused us and also sent us to a retailer. We ultimately ordered one through a local lighting store and it's coming on the slow boat from China.
Friday night was another band concert, this time it was the regional honor bands. The 111 high school students filed in with their instruments and sat next to us, and in fact, Logan sat right in front of us. The auditorium seats 1,400 and in spite of getting there a half hour early, we scrambled to find seats together. The middle school band thrilled us but the high school band knocked our socks off. I know I've said it before and I'm saying it again, every band and orchestra kid has their own instrument. It boggles my mind to see this commitment from teachers, families and the community to music education.

Saturday was my spinning guild meeting in Redmond, a half-hour from here. I was invited to breakfast before the meeting and appreciated the opportunity to spend time with and get to know some of the other ladies. They have welcomed me into the spinning community in spades. After the meeting I followed Cindy Wasner back to her house and bought more yarn. The drive home was messy and it seemed like the frosting on the cake was getting caught by the train. I can hear them from our house but this is the first one I've seen.
Cindy pointed out that the Jamison Shetland yarn I was using for this hat wasn't as sturdy as the Finullgarn she orders from Norway. I finished this hat and saw that she was right. It's thinner and smaller than the first one. However Ian was delighted with it as he has a small head and the lining band of Alpaca kept his years warm on his walk this morning. I've started another hat for son Matt.
An announcement was made at the meeting for Fiber Market Day. It's the last Saturday in March and held (indoors) at the Crook County fairgrounds in Prineville. Laura and I talked it over yesterday morning and have decided to split a booth which is insanity for me since my inventory is so low. This is the application which is going in the mail today.
I have to step up my game and after breakfast went back to work on these towels. It's so gray today that I had to use all my lights for the first time. I also worked on another warp and enjoyed the accompanying patter of rain on the skylight.
I thought the next thing I would do is start planning to weave cloth for a kimono and asked for recommended patterns on 4-Shaft Weaving, the Facebook group. I got several responses and one woman who doesn't know me from Adam scanned and emailed me the information she had collected from an Anita Luvera Mayer workshop. I'm always appreciative of the weaving community's sharing and welcoming spirit. I can't start now until April but what a generous thing to do!
Bravo for you! Weaving cloth for sewing is on my list of things to do! Anita Mayer has contributed a number of articles to Handwoven in the past; you might want to search for them on the index. She is amazing. You've got your work cut out for you getting ready for a show....get busy!!!!
I have some handwoven that is just about to be cut into a favorite pattern.
Have fun with it!
Sounds great! You have settled in so well and it is great to have spinning/weaving groups to join!
I haven't woven cloth for clothing in a long time but had been thinking about weaving/sewing myself new tops.
I worked for another weaver on and off for 10 years doing production on Ikat dyed yardage for clothing.
Totally burnt out on that!
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