I have seen Sarah Jackson’s Summer and Winter pattern for literally years and finally decided it was time to give them a try. I bought the pattern from Handwoven and have spent the past month trying to teach myself how to weave them. There were so many errors on this first towel that I cut it short and will put in the back of my Forester for times when I need a towel.
I didn’t use the suggested colors which might be part of the problem but I did follow her threading and treadling orders. It wasn’t until I was hemming that I saw the egregious threading error on the left side. I’m so glad I was oblivious to it or I’m sure I would have cut the warp off.
Towel three was utterly uninspired. I’m not a fan of the random colors. I’m signed up for a tartan class in March. I’m much happier with symmetry and plaid.
Towel 4 was using the same pattern yarn throughout but following her tabby color changes.
Towel 5 used a completely different pattern yarn but keeping the same tabby rotation. It has the least errors and the most color interest but it ended up way too long. I’m going to cut it off and hem it shorter and get rid of the red. I haven’t decided what to do with the other three towels. They have too many errors to sell. Managing the two shuttles, yarn changes and the four different eight-pic treadling patterns was painful and the results are disappointing. I know I said I’d never do Crackle again, but I’m thinking about it, in spite of using three shuttles.
I recently pulled these about of the Deep Six box because we need new placemats and I realized that all I have to do it cut around the areas with the worst errors and hem them. I think these are far more interesting than Summer and Winter.
Perhaps if I just pick one pattern instead of trying to weave the entire sampler that I might be happier. Yes, I hated juggling three shuttles but these colors are spectacular!
Turning these into four placemats should be quick work, but after taking down the Christmas tree and packing away the ornaments this morning plus doing laundry, I’m ready to read..
Meanwhile, Maudie Mae is playing host to these towels in turned taquete, my first time with Brassard yarns and boy am I pleased!
This is the plaid that I’ve chosen to weave, at least I think this is the one. Linda Davis is feaching the class and has already sent me the chart. I was able to get in on Webs sale and have ordered 8/2 Tencel for a scarf. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that it’s a Campbell of Argyle tartan :-)
Of course it is the Campbell tartan....would I expect any less???? Have fun with your class!
What a fun class! I just received a bunch of Brassard yarn, found at ETC at a decent prince considering shipping was free and I didn't have to buy more than I needed or wanted. The colors are lovely. I see some mindless time spent at the warping mill this weekend.
Those towels you don't like: tuck them away, and in a few months or a year pull them out and look at them again. You may come to appreciate them in a new way.
Or you could cut them up and sew them into simple bags like this one:
Or this bag:
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