My first project for the new oven was a loaf of white bread, recipe from the King Arthur website. What a difference having an even heat throughout the oven chamber makes. It was perfect.
The recipe included a step to make the break have a longer shelf life. It's from Japan and totally new to me, and it worked all the way to the end of the loaf.
I wasn't really surprised by the difference the new oven made in bread but I was taken by surprise at how different the cookies were. This is the traditional Toll House recipe and finally the cookies weren't a first cousin of hockey pucks.

My favorite weaving shuttles are the end-feed shuttles from Schacht. I have two and weaving wouldn't be the same without them. The yarn pulls off from the end of the pirn instead of unspooling from a bobbin, and it feeds a shot of yarn across the shed with reliable tension. They are like night and day from boat shuttles, which I also have. One day about a week ago I caught the shuttle on the left after sending it down the shuttle race, and something fell into my hand. It was this piece of metal and it turns out to be the "spring" that holds the pirn pin in place. I called Schacht and got a message that they're taking care of business from outside their business location. I emailed them and they were johnny-on-the-spot with a replacement. Oh how I love their shuttles.

This morning I finished the warp for Linda Hartshorn's class next month on parallel threading. The warp calls for four 8/2 tencel yarns, 40 ends per inch. Making the warp is much easier than I could have imagined. My color choices are disappointing though, more like Christmas ribbon candy. I thought I had picked colors that aren't complementary but I was wrong. I posted a question on Facebook and got some handy information on quadradic color arrangements. I know I'll do this again and I'm glad to have some direction for next time.
I finished my workshop warp and decided to try just one more go at summer and winter. Orange and purple are complementary colors and absolutely no-go together because together they make brown. I made a mess of my colors in the workshop warp so decided to overload these six colors and see if I can manipulate them a little. Should be interesting.
We're still watching Delaney two days a week and every-other-week, three days. I never tire of it but I don't get a lot done, though that is changing as she gains more skills. We're all waiting for her to talk, but it's slow going. I think part of the problem is that we don't understand her words. Banana is bwe-aah, for instance. But she continues to keep it interesting.
1 comment:
Interesting that the oven makes so much difference! I don't have a problem with my homemade bread keeping, so I'm curious what the recipe's tip was.
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