And me without a spinning wheel. We drove over to Canby for a short visit en route to my brother’s in

I told myself that I wouldn’t buy a thing. You can imagine how well that worked. Once I walked into the vendor building, I was shopping. I was stunned at the huge balls of dyed wool that this vendor had. She said that she does them in a large canning pot in layers. It was Corriedale and I opted for the more expensive Blue-Faced Leicester. I decided to buy something that I didn’t think I would make for myself. She certainly uses more dye and brighter colors than I do. The plan is to make a triple-ply yarn for socks. That’s the plan for now anyway.
Just think how many cool and funky pairs of socks you could make out of one of those big balls of roving!
I am so glad you got over to the festival... how fun! Those big balls of roving do look too good to pass up.
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