This is where I've been.
I am a SoCal transplant to Nevada and it's always nice to tag up to my roots. The black dots in the waves are surfers. Please note that I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, and had only consumed two cups of coffee, but there they are.
I stayed with my sister-in-law and her mother at the beach house for the event that we would attend together on Saturday - the bridal shower of Ian's youngest son's intended. Is there anything that trumps family? We are so excited to welcome this newest member of the Campbell Clan.How did this happy couple meet? They were both tending bar at the Islands restaurant in between semesters. Now he's a SD DA and she an educational psychology candidate. Isn 't life crazy?!
This is the bridal party, with our beautiful Esther on the left - clue, the bridal veil and her bridal party trailing behind her. This outdoor bridal shower was on Mission Bay in San Diego, with lots of Victoria's Secret packages on the gift table. We had great fun.
I am back home now, wearing sweats and looking at the kindling that Ian has set in the wood stove. My head is swimming just a little from the past two days. I fell asleep to the hypnotic sound of waves crashing last night, and tonight...can't open the windows. I'll fall asleep to the sound of snoring dogs.
1 comment:
Nice! At least you have your memories;-)
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