A little bit louder, a little bit worse. We had another 4-6 inches last night but the sun is smiling on us this morning. The forecast is for continued snow showers over the next couple of days. Showers? Piece of cake!

A cheery site.

Once again, I walked up with the dogs to see what the road looks like today. Ian cleared the driveway out pretty good yesterday but you can see the new snow fall.

It's a snow-go, very punny. The tracks are from Tom's tractor - they had to pull Ron's quad out of a snowbank. I just looked out the window and saw a snowplow on the county road across the valley. I'll be set once I can get there. I called and we're supposed to get plowed this afternoon. I'm bummed though because my new computer was supposed be delivered by today.

That's our house, to the top left of my shadow. This picture tickled my funny bone.

When I got back, Steve - that's his big house - was down plowing our driveway and grooming the yard so I can get my car out. He and his giant dog Zeus just showed up and did it. We can't believe how much connectivity we have with our neighbors here. In town? Not so much.

Buster is certainly the happiest of us all. We're home and he gets to play in the snow. What more could a country boy want??

I guess I'll go back to working on this and see if I can't get to the "surprise" part. So far, I've been in the aggravated part. I don't know what part of the sweater I'm knitting - top or bottom - so the stripes are truly random. I look forward to being surprised.
We didn't get much out of that system, it's already melting and spotty. Bad weather seems to jump right over the top of our valley most times.
I love the way knitting looks, just cant seem to get past strangling the knitting needles...
I crocheted a scarf from those two skeins I posted a few weeks ago, haven't finished the fringe yet though. Next week I hope :)
What great pictures! I especially love the one with your shadow.
The Baby Surprise will, indeed, surprise you. I've knitted it several times and it never fails to charm me.
Wow! Your snow photos look like our place today! :) I trudged through knee-high snow out to see if my sheep were doing OK. As they were faring far better than I, I decided to chovel our walk and come in to spin a while. :)
I'm sure you need your snow as much as we need ours...
Oh, oh, oh, a Baby Surprise Jacket! I've done two (the first one modified for my long-armed boy), and need to do another by next August for an expected birth in our church. Love it! You can actually fold up the bottom parts now and see it take shape....
You got a bit more snow than we did, and hopefully a lot more electricity:) I have to return to my BSJ and finish it and truly understand how you feel, but once I could fold it up and realize how it was going to look, I was quite pleased, and I think you will be too... I am on the outer band now.
I did a BSJ a few months ago. I found the pattern hard and had to buy the CD that Elizabeth's daughter produced. It was great.
The hardest part of knitting and crocheting is trying to understand what the directions are saying!
The snow is really pretty. I know folks get tired of it, but I'm getting tired of winter weather in the 70s. Great stripes BTW.
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