I drove into town today for an inkle weaving workshop. Linda and I shared a table, but since she's had some experience before, she left me in the dust. Once I got the hang of it, I had the same problem as I have on my floor loom - uneven selvedges.

This is Virva's project. She is also new to the inkle loom, but both she and Linda are seasoned weavers and I think that helps in understanding how to plan for your pattern.

Ian was looking at this when I got home and asked me what you get from an inkle loom. I told him bands and straps. He asked me what I was going to do with bands and straps. I said that's the exact same question I've been asking myself. I've got plenty of warp left so lots of learning to go. Maybe I'll have a better idea two feet from now.

The moth traps I ordered were waiting for me in the mailbox when I got home. They came here all the way from Knickerbocker Avenue in Brooklyn. I just saw another moth today, bringing my count up to five. I've set four traps and will let you know if they work.
Give yourself some time to get the selvedge threads tidy. One trick is to put some tension on the yarn with your hand as you pull the yarn through the shed. Then, just pull it snug against the selvedge thread. You have a bit more control that way.
I use my inkle bands for bookmarks and they make nice additions to book gifts.
I have two inkle looms, and hate them both.
I am just a floor loom kind of girl, I am afraid.
I had those moths once long ago.....if I remember correctly, we had to throw everything in the cupboard into the garbage, and we had to wash the cupboard down with bleach. And then it still took two cycles of the moth bait.
good luck.
About the moth traps. I use those and they do work. I never get rid of all the moths but to see them dead in the trap is a good feeling!
Make a guitar strap?
Hope the moth traps work! I loathe moths... 1) they eat my fiber and 2) they give the cats such horrid gas when they are eaten.
What about weaving straps for bags?
Good luck getting rid of the moths!!
Straps....for binoculars, guitars, purses, tote bags (you've knit a few of those, right?)
Dog collars. Leashes. Trim on something you sew.
Easy for me to say. I don't inkle though....at least not yet!
You can also make little bags -- there is a free download at Handwoven for an ipod/pda/cellphone bag. They could also be used as trim on bags or clothing. Hm. Maybe I need to get my inkle going again..
Wool inkle straps are a bit different from cotton -- try a sample and throw it in the washing machine (in a lingerie bag so it doesn't attach itself to any terry cloth towels). Should work perfectly for your tote bags.
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