I didn't realize how big the hole on the bottom of my sock was until I for some reason walked in my stocking feet, which I don't do often since they slide around and I slide around on the hardwood floors. Two pair of Lorna's Laces and two pair of Noro Kureyon are probably experiencing their last winter. I'm not darning - nope. No thank you.

I took a month off from spinning to let my elbow heal and have resumed, but trying to remember and implement the instruction I got from
Sara - it's been a while. She uses her right hand like a tensioning device on a sewing machine and does not pinch. It is SO hard to not pinch. I really have to concentrate. On the positive side, a bobbin fills up really quickly. On a negative side, I'm drowning in handspun yarn so need an outlet if I'm going to be that productive. I'm back to thinking about weaving with it. I'm not sure what a practical cloth of Shetland wool would be, so for now I'm still thinking.

I'm practicing with Robbie who is a double-coated Shetland wether. Because this is essentially long draw, I'm getting a lot of halo on his yarn. Also I'm still not getting the control I used to get by pinching, which is why I'm practicing.

This is more recycled yarn. I had originally knitted it in a cowled bolero, but the wool itched the back of my neck and I never wore it. I have a couple of these and use them as house smocks over long-sleeved t-shirts - just the right amount of added warm. I have to say that I'm losing interest in spinning multicolored rovings. They're fun to spin, hard to use.

I've started another scarf in the same pattern as I knit for the bronze scarf, which I finally needed to wear this week. We had some genuine February weather - finally! Anyway, this is the yarn that won me a blue ribbon at the Nevada County Fair last August. It's awful purty.

I am a big Chris Van Allsburg fan, which dates back to my days as a childrens librarian. If you're not familiar with this book, it's simply 14 beautifully rendered spooky pictures with a statement, leading one's mind into the rest of an imaginary story. It's been often used by teachers for writing exercises. I saw a review of this new release in the New Yorker. Fourteen prominent authors have contributed stories to complete the captions. If you remember this book, I'd say do not pass go, get a copy from your local library. I bought it from our Sundance, our local independent bookstore, because I want to read the stories to Alexia. Both Tabitha and Stephen King are contributors, Sherman Alexia, Cory Doctorow - that leaves 10 more. You should go find out who they are : )
Woven wool fabric makes great jackets and vests. Are you going to dye the yarn or weave it in its natural colors?
On socks with holes - I've heard of folks extending their lives by needlefelting wool where the holes are - I haven't tried it yet.
Multi-colored rovings - sometimes I tire of the striping so all my dyeing last summer was with the goal of having multi-colored roving but that would create a beautiful non-striping yarn, I think I was successful and plan for this summer's dyeing to be along the same lines.
How about a woven blanket with that shetland?
LOL, someone suggested in the comment section of my most recent post that you should make a coat with your shetland. I know you could, I know it!!!
The book looks fab, have you snagged the other yet?
Shetland - I love it for woven shawls, yardage for jackets, scarves. It's very versatile.
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