I finished the sea glass towels yesterday and took this shot of them before I packed them off to the craft fair this morning. I love them, I love them all. I will definitely want to explore more sea glass color pathways again.

This is the booth space we combine and share at craft fairs. Carol and Kerry sell bird feeders they make from thrift store pottery and I have my soaps and hand wovens. We needed to take photos of our booth to submit with our application for the McQueen Craft Faire.

This was a first-time craft fair cobbled together with the horse show. There was no entry fee - it was just advertised as open to crafters and so we gave it a try. It was such a massive horse show that there really wasn't room for two headliners, but the weather was perfect and we had a great time. We're supposed to get rain and snow this week. Welcome to the high desert!

I walked up to check on my iPhone. Lynn had borrowed it this morning because she didn't have a stop watch and they needed to time the events. This is the next field of juveniles.

I'm always impressed at the presence and poise of these pre-teens.

Her horse balked at one of the gates and she issued a correction, backed him up and then they vaulted. And this is just one rider out of many. My iPhone still had battery and they were still timing events. I had no idea it had a stopwatch but it clocked all the timed events. I love my iPhone! And it still had 30% battery when I got home tonight.

After we packed up, I went back home with Carol and Kerry to get our McQueen application information and photos all in order. In terms of sales, today wasn't successful, but in terms of spending time with friends and meeting and greeting new neighbors, it was awesome.
Joe Winter sat up next to us and so visited all morning. On the other side were Girl Scout parents with the mammoth number of cookies that their new leader mistakenly ordered. They did very well and I helped them. Many of us did.
I posted a picture of my towels on Facebook before I left this morning and when I got home I discovered that four of them had takers. That's an interesting end to a craft fair day. When I left Carol and Harry's house, Harry was still down with the fire department - they had been selling hamburgers as a fundraiser - and the equestrian events were still in progress. Nope. I had a fantastic time, but I won't do this again. Hunter Pace is a smaller, more intimate and half day - I'll stick with that.
Your towels are lovely! I'm liking those seaglass colors too. You may have started something. ;)
Looks like a wonderful horse show though, lots of fun for the folks to get their mounts out and enjoy them. Lord knows, they cost enough to keep.
We're already getting that rain, and lots of it. It's pouring steady for a few hours now and I'm sure I have cranky donkeys and horses. Snow in the forecast for tonight I think, maybe tomorrow. Oh joy, Snow in June...
It sounds like you had an enjoyable time, although not profitable! Spending time with friends was a great reward! The sea glass towels are just beautiful!
Sharon, how do I find your towels on Facebook? I.am.not.going.to.learn.to.weave. I don't have time or the space. Or so I keep telling myself! In the meantime I's love to have some of yours!
I think those colors look like "beach;" love 'em! I need to look on Facebook for them, too....
Too bad the sales were dismal, but the day itself looks lovely. I'd love to have been able to watch the kids with their horses.
I went to a local craft fair Saturday . . saw weaving demonstrations . . fled (cuz it looked way too fun). No new hobbies!! But, like Melodye, I would love to buy some of your towels. How do I find them on the interweb?
Oh gorgeous Sharon! Beautiful colors, yes indeed.
Love the towels! Never tire of seeing terrain pictures.
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