Today it broke for the second time in one towel. Grrrrrr. I want to blame a defective yarn but it happens to every thread, no matter who is the manufacturer.
Friday, July 27, 2012
A Good Oops
Today it broke for the second time in one towel. Grrrrrr. I want to blame a defective yarn but it happens to every thread, no matter who is the manufacturer.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
A New Thread
"We carry several lines of 8/2 unmercerized cotton. This line is the more economical choice for those needing larger amounts of colors. The twist is a little looser, so you might experience a few broken threads in the warp, but the price is right. You can also mix the 8/2 A Colors with 8/2 B colors for maximum color range."
Michael's price is right! He charged me $10.50 for a pound and Yarn Barn charges $14.75. He's raising his prices by 10% next month but it's still a good price. I paid $11.99 bulk price from Webs, in case you want to know.
On another note, my membership to the St Mary's fitness center was due for renewal tomorrow. I have agonized for months over what I would do when the time came. I love swimming and the tai chi, but I only get in eight times a month and its expensive. Yesterday I checked in for a swim. When she told me my membership would expire in a day, did I want to renew, I said I don't think so. I didn't know until that second what I would do. I had seen my doctor that morning for a routine visit and he was absolutely unimpressed by my gym membership. In fact he was incredulous that I no longer had a walking routine. He was thrilled that I'm studying tai chi.
So the plan is to walk one day and do tai chi exercises the alternate days. I have Mark Lord's schedule and can take classes from him much more cheaply than the gym membership. I think I outgrew the gym. I lost interest in racing to no where on an elliptical trainer and even the lap swims had started to seem pointless. I've enjoyed the tai chi exercises under the trees in our yard. Somehow it seems more wholesome. I think the time was right. It's a new thread in my life.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Zombie Invasion
Alexia and I and a small crew filled water balloons for hours on end and got very wet in the process, but it was hot and somehow it was fun. One of the important things in disaster preparation is knowing your community and there was plenty of community building going on.

After a week in Oregon followed by a week with Alexia, I was in bed last night by 8:00 and slept until 8:30 this morning. I was the zombie and no one knew it!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Alexia, Day One

Saturday, July 14, 2012
We're Back
This shell was my trip knitting. It's yarn from the pirate fiber gift exchange at Spindle Camp and is 100% cotton. I used Stitch Wizard to do the math part of the sweater, with some changes in shaping and finishing. I'm really happy with it.
I had to get over to the Ranch House for the Association meeting and election of board members this morning - I had neglected to mail our ballot. I slept late so I thought I'd just take it over and also buy their pancake breakfast. However, I got sucked into the meeting and by the time they took a break, breakfast was over.
I drove to Mim's just a mile away for the CSSW guild meeting, since it was being held right here in our valley. I was starving but really enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new members. I finished knitting the shell there and by the time I got home at 2:30, was absolutely starving.
Tomorrow is grandson Kiernan's 13th birthday party and afterwards we'll come home with Alexia for the last week of her school break. Third grade starts next week! Meanwhile, she and I have to get ready for the Zombie Invasion next Saturday. More on that later.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Fire Cracker Day or Just Crackers
stitching fringe. The bottom fringe was tied in bundles of three, but after my exchange with Pat McDaniel, I elected to tie the emulated fringe in bundles of two. This is only of interest to rug weavers BTW. I can see that Pat's option is going to emulate tied fringe very well. Thanks Pat!
Read a good book lately? I have and here are a couple:
The Expats by Chris Pavone: Mom's day job isn't as it seems and then the whole family has a shake up. Fun, total beach read.
Porch Lights by Dorothy Benton Frank: Maybe a little predictable but I fell in love with characters and would read every book after if she went for sequels.
Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry: This is another romp and I only caught onto it by another friend through Goodreads.
How Not to Run a B&B by Bobby Hutchinson: I found this through my Amazon rental subscription and have to say it's one of my favorite books this year, though I'm not sure it's available otherwise. If you have Amazon Prime, two thumbs up.
And we're outta here - see you in a week!
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