My life has been taken over by emergency face masks. The first ten I made from a kit are ready to be turned in to the collection location at Bend Vet.
I thought I read that after completion they needed a second hot wash and dry. I hope I'm wrong because the straps came out of the dryer looking liked cooked fettuccini. I ironed while damp and they are hanging to dry, looking like a pod of jellyfish.

The contact point for mask makers is a Facebook Page called Central Oregon Emergency Mask Makers. I happened to see the offer of fabric from my friend Mary who only lives a mile from here. I said I'd like some if she had any left. She did and she delivered!

At this point I think I have all the fabric that I can possibly use. I washed and ironed it today and still got a five masks mostly assembled and two completed.

Matt likes to visit when he picks Delaney up after work. They have a new puppy and he's been taking her to work, socializing her on the job sites. She's been on a lead all day so he gave her free time and she enjoyed the heck out of it, getting completely soaked in our pond in the process.

Delaney loves to be outdoors and though she crawls in the house, is content to just sit in the grass and watch the birds and the trees.

Every afternoon she and I have some Teletubbie time. If you've never seen them, they look like this and there are four of them. They jabber and she loves them.
Our governor is going to open up non-emergency surgeries on May 1st and we're holding our breath that son Josh can finally get scheduled for the bowel resection he so desperately needs, the fallout from being born with Meckel's Diverticulum. As he says, he had the first resection when he was 12 and it's lasted 36 years. This one should take him on out. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting.