We're going to have at least a week of cloudy weather so I decided to stop procrastinating and finish pulling the grass that has taken over this flower bed. It was an exhausting task since the clumps of grass are so heavy. I'm going to be sore tomorrow, every part of me.

I finally had to ask Ian to help me finish off the job before it finished me off. He bought three flats of pansies from Costco over a week ago and we've been trying to harden them on the cool nights. Today they went in the ground. We've learned the hard way that if you don't buy the pansies when you see them at Costco, you'll have to buy them somewhere else.

Things are just starting to pop up and show signs of growing but at least for now when I look out the kitchen window, I'll see cheerful pops of color that aren't dandelions.

I've joined the ranks of mask makers. It's been so many years since I've sewn, this has been a hard curve for me and shows me that my memory isn't what it used to be. I wouldn't be able to do this wtihtout all the help from a Facebook group, Central Oregon Emergency Mask Makers. It took me two hours to make two masks but I'll get faster

I found a tutorial for this jig on the Facebook page and it reduces the time per mask by at least ten minutes. You don't have to iron every step of the way, though I did buy this new iron from Costco yesterday. My old one had lost the ability to steam and I'm glad to have this for when I need it. I followed another tutorial for the straps and found finger pinching and folding really quick. I had a couple of hours this afternoon - dress my loom or make masks?

And the loom won. I'm not ready to weave - but almost! These are tidepool colors.

Several years ago I decided instead of putting Christmas cards in the recycling, I'd just put them in a bowl and save them for later. Delaney has found that bowl.

She loves to study them, picking up cards, putting them down, picking up different cards. Christmas cards are graphic design, meant to capture your eye, and Delaney loves them. We scoop them up and put them back in the bowl several times a day to give her another activity. She's crawling with a vengeance so she's all about activity.

She is our sunshine.
1 comment:
So sweet!
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