Recently I decided to try more subtle color changes to see if I would be happier with less barberpole striping. I haven’t decided if the outcome is too subtle or if it just pales in comparison with my previous results. I thought the light blue with violet spots would produce a yarn with subtle opal-like shades. The violet spots merely blended in during spinning. Too subtle I'm afraid.

I lack the skill to predict what my knitted fabric will look like from my hand dyed roving, and I’m sure more experience and good record keeping would go a long way toward rectifying that. Sometimes I like the results, sometimes I over-dye the results. I don’t have this experience when I purchase roving from commercial vendors like Chasing Rainbows so I know that if this really bothers me, then I do need to be more serious when I’m dyeing.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimenting, but I would be in big trouble if I ever want to repeat results. So the yarn is now a hat. The varigation is just about as subtle as the picture shows. I haven't decided if the results are worth the effort. The jury is still out.
The hat is a good mixing of colors.. I am not sure yet how elaborate a journal to keep, but maybe it's good to include notes about whether you were disappointed with your results or not.
I was inspired by your post to drop by Sundance Books and look for Dying to Knit. They didn't have it, but they did have a massively interesting book called Andean Folk Knits. A very cool mix of knitting and ethnology! The author spent more than a decade living in rural Bolivia and traveling throughout the Andes, so the detail is fabulous.
I also bought a new guide to Great Basin Wildflowers that I hadn't seen before. But that's something for another post.;-)
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