Monday, August 28, 2006

There's a Sweater Under There

Amy sent me this picture tonight. I’m not sure what all the ribbons represent, but she did tell me that the sweater earned four ribbons and a check for me and a check for Mim as winners of the Grown in Nevada category - she as the fiber producer and me as the finisher. First of all, let me say that I had absolutely no competition. Where were the other entries?! On the other hand, I have to admit that the sweater turned out quite well. I had struggled with it over the past year and had wrestled with my concerns that it would please the intended wearer, having never thought about it pleasing a judge. But both are pleased and I am thrilled. The last day of the fair was a work day for me. It was like knowing about a great party but being unable to attend. Next year will be different. I felt like the Matchbook Girl - lots of fun but no party for me.

This sweater represents more than just the ribbons. No one in our guild had worked with Shetland fleeces. When I bought the first Shetland fleece from Mary Beth Bullington and brought it back from Black Sheep several years ago, it caught Mim's attention. She hadn't raised sheep since her son was in 4-H, but wanted to start again. She did a lot of research on breed lines and ultimately selected animals that I believe have and will continue to produce exceptional fleeces - and personalities. This sweater and these ribbons represent some impressive animal genetics and, did I mention that the Champ lives here?!


Beryl Moody said...

Well, I did peek at your sweater yesterday underneath all of those ribbons, and it is beautiful. Congratulations on all of your fair winnings and to the "champ"

Purple Fuzzy Mittens said...

That's the second time a judge has called your work "absolutely flawless". It's an honor to be seen with you!