We met at Hallelujah Junction at 9:00 headed to Dixie Mountain in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, high above Frenchman's Lake where the silver tip fir trees grow. We have four vehicles and five passes. We haven't had snow yet this year so are able to zip right along. In the past, ice on the road in these shaded areas have required adept maneuvering.

The Littlest Wood-
cutter and his chain saw, ready for the perfect tree.

The hunt for the perfect Christmas tree has begun. It's about 30 degrees - I don't think we've ever hunted trees in colder weather.

Some our Redding family pose with the chainsaw, their hunt over and prey behind them. They got a big 'en.

My son and grandson Logan are trying to decide if the tree behind them is their tree. Logan found it, and it was. Josh just emailed me that they have it up, the lights are on and ornaments go next.

Even the Littlest Woodman needs to relieve himself in the woods.

And this is our Christmas tree. It was the first one cut - small house, small truck, small tree. It's in the garage soaking in water. I'm looking forward to bringing it in the house and decorating it next weekend.

Without having to slog through snow and with the kids acting as scouts, we had collected our trees and were back in Sierra Valley in no time, on our way to the Wood'n Rose in Chilcoot for a meal - all fourteen of us!

The Yule season has begun.