This is the stack of favors I'll be taking when we fly down to Redlands to celebrate the holiday with our California family. They are actually
origami boxes that I made from previous Nevada Magazine calendars, with a bar of my Nevada Bar soap inside. This is the only origami I know and I only know it because my friend Mary and I followed the instructions on one boring work day years ago. It was Christmas Eve day and not a creature was stirring, not even a library patron - so we tore out magazine inserts and made them into origami boxes and gave them to the few who actually ventured in. If you want to make boxes, tops and bottoms, allow for a half inch difference, like a 10" square for the top, and 9.5" square for the bottom. Calendars make awesome boxes.

The boxes are really pretty cool, but I'm blogging about them because I can. The power is totally out in our valley. Last year Ian decided that we needed a generator and an electrician-wired transfer box as hedge against future power outages. We got home tonight, hungry, tired and the only food left, since we're leaving on vacation, was the to-be-baked pizza that Ian bought on his way home. I'm sure we could have gotten by on a more primitive level, but then I wouldn't be able to read email then, would I. I'm feeling like the cat's pajamas right now~
I'm sorry to say but I've had to put word encryption back on because just in the last post alone, I had to delete "comments" from two web-crawlers.
What pretty little boxes! And using old calendars is a great way to recycle.
What a lovely idea for favors! Kudos for Ian and you for the generator. Have a very happy New Year.
It was great to see you at the shop yesterday! Have a safe journey and way cool boxes! Happy New Year!
Ooooo! I can help ya wif those purresents! Did Charlie get purresents fur Christmas? We gotted purresents.
The origami boxes are a great idea! Now why didn't I think of that. Could it be because I don't do origami??? I've always felt guilty throwing away calendars, but how many can one keep before they take up too much room. Thanks so much for the link to make them.
Good for you for having a generator! Always worth the purchase when you need them.
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