ment and it's one of my favorite uses of tax dollars. The whole program lasted a half hour, Ali's part of the program was 2 1/2 minutes long and I drove for 3/4 of an hour to get there, as did most of the parents and grandparents.

The expression "like herding cats" came to my mind as these toddlers paid some attention to their teachers and then more attention to each other. The facility was jammed with fully half of us were on the floor, but we were united in our joy at watching these children earnestly perform their routines. The sounds of laughter and applause filled the room. I smiled all the way home.
I've gone to a few of my niece's recitals -- there really is nothing like little kids in tights doing dance routines. So fun!
Awwww, her is furry cute! Purry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Oh, what fun - my friend is a 4 hour drive from her grandkids and I fully expect to get a call from her one of these days saying she's moving to Portland... I told her it was way too far for me to meet her for lunch Ha, Ha.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas! And Happy New Year!!! T.
Oh look at herrrrr!! She is the cutest little girl I know!
Your granddaughter looks like a perfect angel with all of those golden curls. Have a Happy New Year.
How sweet! Being able to attend the recital was a Christmas present in itself!
Merry Christmas!
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