wood trees in the sunlight, but several people were burning their slash piles and the valley was filled with smoke. This is the best I can do. I really wanted to show how glorious these trees are, an explosion of color against the blue sky, and there are very few days left before the leaves are gone for another year. Shoot.

Migrating birds enjoy this pond behind the trees, but most have gone on, though there are a couple of ducks, black specks on the right. Ross Creek is dammed to create three ponds, and this is the bottom one.

Speaking of shoot, don't do that here, or swim or fish, or anything else on the other side of this antisocial sign. This pond is leased by a fly fishing instructor and he's not sharing.

When the birds are migrating, they often stop over here but there are no birds today. On the USGS 15 minute map, this is called Renner's Artesian Well. We call it the marsh and many birds call it home. I love the mirror image. I'm not loving the smoke.

I don't fink I'd wurry 'bout the no swimmin' sign. Nokitty in their right mind wants' to swim anyways.
Thanks for the wonderful photos... it is shocking how quickly fall is disappearing and glad to get a window into your area as by the time we get to drive that way all the color will be off the trees this year.
My kids and I took the dogs up into Lewis Canyon yesterday for a run, I took pictures but forgot to down load them lol! They arent near as grand as yours are, but then the trees in the canyons around here shed their leaves about a month ago.
These are fantastic photos. They all ought to go on Flickr's Great Basin site.
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