This yarn is looking so much better in seed stitch. I have all the yarn from the ruined sweater pulled out, rinsed and reskeined. I was happy with my first rehabilitated yarn sweater in denim blue, and so have been I've been looking at all the sweaters I have and don't wear to see what I need to do to make them wearable.

This pullover I knit from a handspun blend of Targhee and llama and is far to warm to wear indoors. It's been unworn in my closet for at least three years. I've decided to take the plunge and cut it up the center for a cardigan. The thought gives me dry mouth.

I knit this oversized cotton sweater about a dozen years ago from yarn that I bought from a shop in Camino, California called Apple Nanny's. I was first introduced to spinning by the woman who owned the store. Ian and I were staying in a B&B next door during a visit to Apple Hill. I think I'll have enough yarn if I knit the rehabilitated yarn into a neck-down EZ pullover, doing sleeves first and then when I run out of yarn, that's how long the body will be. I'm feeling very virtuous.
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