Our contractor made this address sign when he began work on our house seven years ago. I have always meant to buy a "real" sign but somehow have never followed through. It's such an ugly sign for such a cute house.

When Mickey Mouth won reserve grand champion fleece at the state fair a couple of years ago,
Amy made this sign for Ian. He loved it so much that he screwed it right into the side of the house. She was well into her wood burning stage at that point, having decorated a spinning wheel, matching lazy kate and the interior of her vintage travel trailer.

She had offered to make a sign to replace that old scruffy one, but she has been buried up to her ears in alligators this year getting the new library open. Recently she sent us this picture of the sign in progress. It is awesome! I'm so glad I didn't get antsy and buy something because I never could have found anything as cool as this. I am happy to wait for this sign to come. Nothing could be better.
I discovered yesterday that Blogger has not been displaying all the blogs that I follow. That was disappointing. I spent about an hour rebuilding my Bloglines index so I can check up on everybody. Look out - I'm coming.
Very nice Amy! It does look much better than the original sign.
A fabulous sign. Amy's a good friend to have around.
Way to go Amy!! The sign is fantastic!!!!
That sign is truly going to be a treasure. Wow!
Bloglines is helpful, but it sometimes crashes, too. I've tried Google reader, but it loads too slowly for my taste...
Gorgeous sign. That is going to be lovely.
I've had the same problem with Blogger. Had to give up "following" blogs and revert to Google Reader. It's slow, but reliable.
What could be better than some of Amy's fine work! How lucky you both are to have two fine signs.
I love it, Amy does such beatiful work!
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