Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Loose Ends
ately trying to tie up loose ends. Here are the last six hats that I've finished for this season and I need to get them in the mail to the Brewery Arts Center. I liked Amy's suggestion about using some artistic license when naming my projects, so I've decided to start with this batch.
Beginning with the pink hat on the right and going clockwise, I named my hats: Raspberry Pie with Cherries, Wild Iris in Spring, Clouds at Dusk, Red Sky at Night, Spongy Earth and New Grass, and House Finch Songbird. I'll get better with practice. Suggestions are welcome.
One of the wonderful things about these bags is that I get to dig into my oh-so-deep, deep stash. Did I mention that my fiber stash is deep?
I'm facing the crisis at hand - what to take for trip knitting. I have enough for two bags but given the driving we'll be doing, that won't be enough. Oh what to do. What to do?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Marketing Bags
But I have to tell you it was nerve-wracking to knit and not know if I'd be rewarded for my efforts. I stopped when I ran out of yarn.
I have tried both eBay and Etsy as a point of sale and been unsatisfied with both for a variety of reasons. Last week I finally took the time to order business cards from Vista Print. My hair dresser recommend them to me and I figure he knows what he's talking about, since he owns his own salon. I ended up ordering three different styles, but when the information included my blog address, I started thinking about how I could link my inventory to my blog. The bags very often sell as gifts and I've been aware for quite a while that I need a way to promote what I have available. People ask. I decided to upload pictures of the bags that I have into a set on Flickr. I added it as a link to my blog, called Hand Delivered Bags. I anticipate this to work well, and I tell you this in the event that you too are trying to promote inventory. I anticipate that I this will work well, but it's too soon to tell.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Constantia Ranch
The drive took just minutes, where it took them all day by horseback and this task was done by their children - the adults had work to do. It is still a working ranch - all of Long Valley is occupied by working ranches.
iently located next to the railroad, which I wonder if it's secret to it's survival. Ironically, it's only one mile from the highway and might as well not exist as far any traveler is concerned.
horn antelope. I had heard a tractor fire up just before this. Did it spook him or did I???
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I Keep Chickens
About five years later, I went out to collect the eggs and ran afoul (pun intended) of another rotten rooster. My 70-year-old grandmother came out of the house and beat that bird off of me wth a broom. More stew.
I didn't set out to collect chickens, but they really are pretty and I loved watching them running free at my brother's house. One collected chicken became a whole flock before I knew it.
Recently I was at a neighbor's house for an association committee meeting. Afterwards she brought out her clown parrot, Kisgus, whom everyone enjoyed and now it was my turn to put out a finger. I realized I wasn't ready and told her so. Poor Kisgus kept bobbing his head and saying, "Come here to me." I'm working up to it, Kisgus. It's nothing personal.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
25 Random Things about Me
This meme comes via MiniKat. The rules are: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to publish a blog post with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose up to 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Here are my 25 random things:
1. My parents lived in Fairbanks Alaska when I was born, but since there was no hospital, my mother had to go stay in Seattle until my birth. I was almost an Alaskan.
2. I was a late life surprise, so the year I was born, my mother also became a grandmother.
3. My mother learned to knit from the Red Cross as part of the war effort – the first world war! She taught two Sharon Campbells to knit, me and my step daughter, Sharon Campbell.
4. My family is long lived. I have a 97 year-old-uncle and a 102 year-old aunt. Frankly that scares me.
5. My grandmother was a camp cook in the Yukon gold rush and so hiked the Chilcoot Trail. The gold bracelet I wear was made from a single nugget. My mother wore it until I was in high school, then she gave it to me. It’s so tight that I can’t get it off my wrist. It bleeps in security scanners so I’m always wanded as a potential terrorist.
6. My father built our house in East San Diego County out of recycled lumber. For the first year, we had no running water. We had to take baths in a galvanized tub in the kitchen and use an outhouse.
7. I had to walk a mile to the school bus, uphill both ways. Okay – kidding, just one way.
8. My father’s hobbies were working in his huge garden and raising honey bees. My mother kept chickens and goats. We ate what we grew and it was all organic. We didn’t eat goats, just goats milk.
9. My mother played piano in church but send me to accordion lessons. I can play Beer Barrel Polka and Lady of Spain I Adore Thee….
10. I lived in the Philippines for two years and my oldest son was born there.
11. He graduated from high school the same year I graduated from college.
12. I fidget.
13. I weigh what I weighed in high school. Then I was the fat kid, now people tell me I’m thin. Sadly I’m stuck with the image of the former.
14. I like salty foods. I don’t like chocolate. Our fridge if full of different kinds of pickles.
15. I like strong dark-roast coffee and I like beer, especially India Pale Ale.
16. My mother and grandmother were cooks. It’s not hereditary.
17. My grandmother taught me to make pie crust. I can’t cook but I can crust just about anything.
18. I can’t bear to knit only one project at a time, ditto anything else.
19. I decided to learn to weave because my mother wanted to but couldn’t afford a loom. I now have three floor looms.
20. I am a hand spinner and start every morning at the spinning wheel with a cup of coffee, see #15.
21. The hardest thing I have ever been though is when my daughter lost her baby.
22. My most favorite woman on this planet is my daughter. She lights up my life every day.
23. I walk, knit and talk fast, but I drive slow. Okay, I drive fast, kinda.
24. I love to read and just wish I could read faster.
25. I was a white blonde until high school. I once met a girl who looked like me and my feelings were hurt because she didn’t talk to me. Mother explained that she was a Mexican and an albino. I think of her when I hear Johnny Winters.
I'd like to hear from from some folks but I'm not going to tag 25 - that's the Facebook version of this Meme: Robin, Barb, Vickie, Mim and Becky. If you read this and I didn't specifically tag you, I'd still like to see your list of 25 random things and I hope you'll post a list. I've really enjoyed reading the lists on Facebook. Even my SIL posted one. Please play - it's fun to read.
Here are my 25 random things:
1. My parents lived in Fairbanks Alaska when I was born, but since there was no hospital, my mother had to go stay in Seattle until my birth. I was almost an Alaskan.
2. I was a late life surprise, so the year I was born, my mother also became a grandmother.
3. My mother learned to knit from the Red Cross as part of the war effort – the first world war! She taught two Sharon Campbells to knit, me and my step daughter, Sharon Campbell.
4. My family is long lived. I have a 97 year-old-uncle and a 102 year-old aunt. Frankly that scares me.
5. My grandmother was a camp cook in the Yukon gold rush and so hiked the Chilcoot Trail. The gold bracelet I wear was made from a single nugget. My mother wore it until I was in high school, then she gave it to me. It’s so tight that I can’t get it off my wrist. It bleeps in security scanners so I’m always wanded as a potential terrorist.
6. My father built our house in East San Diego County out of recycled lumber. For the first year, we had no running water. We had to take baths in a galvanized tub in the kitchen and use an outhouse.
7. I had to walk a mile to the school bus, uphill both ways. Okay – kidding, just one way.
8. My father’s hobbies were working in his huge garden and raising honey bees. My mother kept chickens and goats. We ate what we grew and it was all organic. We didn’t eat goats, just goats milk.
9. My mother played piano in church but send me to accordion lessons. I can play Beer Barrel Polka and Lady of Spain I Adore Thee….
10. I lived in the Philippines for two years and my oldest son was born there.
11. He graduated from high school the same year I graduated from college.
12. I fidget.
13. I weigh what I weighed in high school. Then I was the fat kid, now people tell me I’m thin. Sadly I’m stuck with the image of the former.
14. I like salty foods. I don’t like chocolate. Our fridge if full of different kinds of pickles.
15. I like strong dark-roast coffee and I like beer, especially India Pale Ale.
16. My mother and grandmother were cooks. It’s not hereditary.
17. My grandmother taught me to make pie crust. I can’t cook but I can crust just about anything.
18. I can’t bear to knit only one project at a time, ditto anything else.
19. I decided to learn to weave because my mother wanted to but couldn’t afford a loom. I now have three floor looms.
20. I am a hand spinner and start every morning at the spinning wheel with a cup of coffee, see #15.
21. The hardest thing I have ever been though is when my daughter lost her baby.
22. My most favorite woman on this planet is my daughter. She lights up my life every day.
23. I walk, knit and talk fast, but I drive slow. Okay, I drive fast, kinda.
24. I love to read and just wish I could read faster.
25. I was a white blonde until high school. I once met a girl who looked like me and my feelings were hurt because she didn’t talk to me. Mother explained that she was a Mexican and an albino. I think of her when I hear Johnny Winters.
I'd like to hear from from some folks but I'm not going to tag 25 - that's the Facebook version of this Meme: Robin, Barb, Vickie, Mim and Becky. If you read this and I didn't specifically tag you, I'd still like to see your list of 25 random things and I hope you'll post a list. I've really enjoyed reading the lists on Facebook. Even my SIL posted one. Please play - it's fun to read.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
We Got It Done
Friday, February 06, 2009
Walking the Dogs
I am at the half way point and I think it's time to turn around and go back. Clearly, it appears we are going get some kind of weather. I'm freezing and there's spitting snow.
I find it interesting that when I drive by here at night, this is the spot where all the rabbits jump into the road, trying to commit suicide in front of my car. I assume that coyotes keep their distance from the wolves and this area - that's why there so many rabbits. I also see a lot of white owls here at night. Mere speculation~
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Eco Arnie

I called my dentist Tuesday morning because a month-old toothache had kept me awake all night. She decided I should come right in, so I called work to say I was starting my work day at the dentists but would be in after that. She took x-rays and decided I needed to see an endodontist - #3 tooth needed a root canal and she didn't know what was going on with #2. So I called work to say that I would be right after my endodontist appointment. I went to lunch at a nearby Chinese. Daughter Chris says it was my last meal. The endodontist said I had a couple of things going on - #3 needed a root canal, but number two was a "failed tooth" and needed to come out. So I called work to say - I won't be in today. I got all dressed up to see dentists and have my tooth pulled.
I went home without tooth #2. It's part of our venacular to talk about pulling teeth, but I've never had a tooth pulled before. One, it takes a lot of tugging to get it pulled out and it's not as simple as the phrase makes it sound. I was absolutely fascinated by my poor failed tooth. I asked to see it and now I wish I would have kept it. My body had absorbed one root. He said I probably could go back to work, and BTW, did I want an Rx for pain. I said yes, since it was hurting at the moment. I'm not sure what his pain experience is, but I was thankful to have the Percocet, because I work up every four hours, just in time to take the next pill.
It's done and I'm on the road to healed, but I missed all of the creative fun that went into Eco Arnie. There is an explanatory note pinned to his dress shirt. It ends by saying that if nothing else, he is recyclable and if needed, he can be burned for heat next winter. Say it won't be Eco-Arnie!!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Talking about Selvedges
Warp Tension: Tie the warp onto the front apron rod in small (1/2") groups at the same width as the warp in the reed. Large groups create draw-in and differences in warp tension. Make sure tension is even on all the groups. If it is not, the fell will not be straight and the selvedges affected.
Weft Angle: A weft angle steep enough to accommodate take-up in weft-faced weaves would place more extra weft at one side where the shuttle exits. Close the shed before beating to avoid pulling weft straight as you beat. (She shows close to a 45 degree angle in the photo.)
Pull of the Weft: So that the only drag on the thread is the rotating bobbin, the thread must be wound evenly, smoothly, and tightly on the bobbin. The "tightly" part is critical. If the bobbin is wound loosely, as you throw the shuttle the unwinding thread will sink into the loose threads, stop the bobbin, and yank on the selvedge.
Do not start by winding a lump at the ends of bobbins with flanges. Smooth and straight is your goal. The unwinding thread will catch on any lumps, stop the bobbin and yank on the edge threads. When the bobbin is full to the edge of the flanges, continue winding only in the center, without overfilling.
I've extracted just a portion of the two page article. I has excellent illustratory photographs and is the the most helpful treatement on selvedges I've read - recommended reading.
I also found a 2007 blog post from Peg where she offers this advice:
First, to have a consistent amount of draw-in, the warp has to be moved forward frequently, probably every 1-2 inches. Consistent draw-in is very important for consistent beating. Consistent draw-in may not guarantee even beating throughout the cloth, but it will definitely help.
Second, a decision has to be made as to where to maintain the fell. Close to the front beam? Halfway between the front beam and the shafts? Close to the shafts? I tend to keep the fell close to the front bean. Doing this allows me to beat in more weft yarn and to beat more closely. As the warp threads on the edges get closer together because of draw-in, it becomes more difficult to beat as closely as I want to. That is the main reason that I often use a temple.
You can read the complete post here - more recommended. Thank you all for your suggestions and advice. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would not be weaving were it not for all of you in the virtual weaving community.
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