Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Blooms of Spring

The first blooms of Spring come from the Desert Peach. They have just started to bud in this last week. I've been without my Cool-Pix since shortly after vacation as I left my charger in one of the five places we stayed. Ian ordered me another one but it took four weeks to get here from Hong Kong. It's nice to have my old friend back and I took it on our walk this morning. As I told DD Chris, walk applies to me. The dogs run insanely after rabbits and rabbits imagined.
Everything has to struggle to survive in the hostile environ-
ment of the high desert. Look at this closeup and check out those nasty barbs. I don't know if their small peach-like fruit is edible but what bird would want to find out?!


MiniKat said...

Lovely scenery. :-) Thank you for sharing it.

bspinner said...

I wouldn't want to get to close to those bushes. Pretty but dangerous. I've never seen the desert in person thanks for sharing your pictures.

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

Not near as scary as Arizona flora. I never know what desert peach was, it really is a pretty plant.

Mim said...

Yaaaah, Desert Peach a favorite of mine. Nevada's beauty is easy to find if you take the time to look!