It was 28 degrees this morning when I poured my first cup of coffee - much too cold to walk dogs but not too cold for Zaria. She loves this weather, and I love my Wii Fit, but I love the Wii tennis most of all. I hurt all over and can't stop playing. I love that I can exercise without freezing my lungs.

We get a crazy weather thing on cold mornings like this in the low end of the valley. The "warm" air traps the cold and they get an even colder morning - I can see the houses down there still have lights on. It's much prettier from here than from there.

Yesterday we set up for the craft fair early, since opening time was 9:00. This was a spontaneous plan so there was only three weeks to advertise. The craft fair Sandy and I participated in last month was also a first - our valley decided we could do it too. With more planning and notification, it can only get better. This was in the "ranch house" and here was only room for 12 of us.

We were each allotted space for an 8' table but I chose a card table to give me room for my wheel. Our customers were our neighbors and even if I hadn't sold a thing, I loved meeting neighbors and I know I made some new friends. I did well enough that I can buy a Kindle, if I decide I want one.

The fiber I dyed did dry in time, and I was so pleased with it, I chose to take it after all. Since I wanted it to be lace-weight, I was a little concerned that wouldn't be able to keep an even draft.

I managed to both enjoy my spinning, maintain my gauge, share my love, and talk a lot (I talk a lot) - with men who were interested in how it works and with women who want to spin too. I came home exhilarated and exhausted - went to read in bed at 8:00. Asleep by 8:30.

I've been working this evening to finish a Christmas present for our grand-niece. I'd made vegetables for her birthday last summer and wanted to add some fruit, but I see that it's looking a little one tone. The pears are kinda brown. I think I'll make a pumpkin and then call it good.

He-who-shall-not-be-named wanted to sit on my lap, but I was knitting and he was just a little put out.
Your "frost on the Llama" comment is too funny! Made me smile this morning. Glad the craft show was a good one. I also enjoy the talking that happens at these shows! My event was postponed by the weather, so I had a found day working at home...
With a coat like that, I imagine Zaria loves being outside. She does look content. Congrats on the great showing at the craft fair. Your handwork is lovely though so it's no surprise. The purple dyed fibre is gorgeous. I love the way it's spinning up.
Craft fairs are alot of work but also fun aren't they. I luv talking to people about my work and the animals that gave us their wonderful fleeces.
Wow that second pic is such an incredible view!
I remember those mornings (actually the colder ones with snow) and looking out the window and seeing "Llama lumps" - they were cushed and covered with snow! Can't say that I miss it...
We had the pineapple express roll through here over the weekend - not good for my head, and got 2 more inches of rain. The decks are awash!
So glad you did well and had fun at the craft fair! Love the colors on the fiber, are you going to Navajo ply it?
Your pictures are small.....but when I click on them, they get big. That picture of the mountains in the distance is awesome.
What a view.
Whoa! That is some sweet yarn you are spinning. And I love it that men want to know how it works and women want to do it.
Congrats on making money at the craft fair. You did good. Did you sell all your alpaca hats?
Lovely frozen cloud there. That's beautiful!
And I love how cats turn their back to you to punish you. Neil used to go and sit in the corner with his back to us when he was upset with us. It was so funny.
I am so glad to hear that you did well at the fair! Your morning photos look so nice and wintry, even with the lower temps. A good time to exercise inside, though!
Your pictures are beautiful, Zaria, the scenery. You all must have had a great day at the craft fair and I hope you love your kindle as much as I love my BeBook (and Ipad) The purple is asking to be spun lace-weight, I think it will look great in ajour knitting, just lovely.
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