Yesterday morning I was racing around, trying to leave on time for church, when the phone rang. Tom says - 2:30, burgers and dogs. Wow - blink, blink. Two parties in two days? Three in two weeks???

They live above us on Porcupine Mountain so is this their view due west. They've grown all the trees for shade, as we have - none are native.

Tom is a water witch and is showing Ken how to hold the rod so they can try it. Ken really was skeptical. Tom taught me how and I have my own rods, but it's mostly for amusement when they point the fountain and water lines. Tom can douse for depth and location. Ken really didn't know what to think.

This is their view south. I've shown it from our house but it's just different from up higher. We've said many times, there really are no bad views out here.
As were sat around talking, I mentioned that we'd noticed a leak in our pressure tank this week. Tom and his brother Bob are uber mechanics, the kind that corporations hire to keep their buildings running. We ended up with a pump & well guy they know today and glad of it. With delay, it could have cost us a new pump - we got off light. So glad we had that conversation!

I added extra twist on Saturday, one twist per foot of yarn, but I couldn't overdye it since we needed to leave for Carol's party. I got that done yesterday before Tom's party! I added a little purple in the dye bath, but there was so much residual blue dye that I got a completely unexpected color. It is fabulous! Both skeins weigh 3.5 ounces since it's Panda - I think that's wool, bamboo and silk? Not sure and I'm sure it's lovely.

These are my fair entries - for the Nevada County Fair in Grass Valley. (There is no Nevada State Fair, this year or many ever$$) They're boxed up, in the car and ready to be mailed tomorrow. Barbara Sue is taking them in with her entries so I can participate.
I'm going to drive over on Sunday, the last day, to demonstrate with the Foothill Fiber Guild. It's about a five-hour round trip drive and it will be worth it. It is the best fair - beautiful, full of Gold County lore, 49er history and old mining equipment - on the top of the regular fair fare.
If you live within driving distance, I urge you to catch at least one day. The dates are August 10-14 and you can get more information
Thank heavens you still have county fairs. Good luck!!
I love how the different fibers in the yarn caught slightly different colors. When you get it back, what are you going to make with it?
And you are right, you have no bad views out there.
The fiber is merino/bamboo/tussah.
I think Panda is superwash and bamboo with nylon? Mim would know. It is lovely, after dyeing. Your projects are, as ever, amazing.
You live in a very beautiful area. Your entries to the county fair are lovely. You are certainly setting the competition bar very high!
I think we need someone to witch for water for us because we'd love to have a well as backup. Your fair entries are lovely! I know you'll will prizes.
Beautiful views! And the color of your fiber is absolutely gorgeous! I double-clicked and could see all the wonderful colors in it.
I'm going to miss you? I will be demonstrating on Thursday. I don't think I can make it back there on Sunday, but just might... what time will you be there?
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