I had an interesting personal email about the arrowheads in my last blog post, from a friend who is an employed archeologist and also the person I've known the longest in my life. We've been friends since we were six! I hope you don't mind Stan.
"I just read your most recent blog and saw the pictures of your 'arrowheads.' Very Interesting (I sound like a character on Laugh In) You have a couple of potentially old artifacts there. The one that is tapered at both ends maybe one of two types, it is difficult to be completely sure from a photo, but I think it is a Kennewick leaf shape projectile point that dates to 11000 to 9000 B.P. Another possibility is Early leaf, 8000 to 5000 B.P. The other point base maybe later, but I can not tell its type from the picture. Anyway, if I am correct there should be a very early site somewhere in the area. A local archaeologist may tell me that I am way off base, but I sure don't think so."
We live in a valley rich in history, long before there was an America. Thanks for the reminder Stan - just wow!
And thanks to those of you questioned my decision to reduce my fiber activities. You made me think carefully over the past several days and I've come to realize that what I mean is that I don't want fiber deadlines. I don't want to feel that I "should" finish something, start something or get a warp on my looms. I'm not going to "should" myself.
Carol and Harry live on top of the world. Their driveway scares me but I think it's worth the price of this view. Kerry and I were looking at the berry bushes in the backyard and redtail hawks were hunting right over our heads! I could hardly concentrate.
And then some more neighbors came. I do miss the cultural activities we enjoyed when we lived in town, but they don't hold a candle to living in a community with friends.
I don't know how I missed the post about the arrow heads but those are really neat!
It looks like a great, relaxed day for you Sharon. That grand baby of yours is precious.
Well, you could have your own little dig! ;)
I find that blogging in general makes me feel like I "should" sometimes. At least Robin & Stella provide entertainment should I not.
Enjoy the quiet community time...I saw a falcon grab one of the young ground squirrels yesterday in the paddock. We really do need to keep an eye out on little Robin with some of the bigger hawks.
I love enlarging your pictures...it is so different where you live..........I love Carol and Harry's view......yes, I bet the view does make the driveway worth it.
Ahh... Not "shoulding" youself is something I can understand. And it relieves me to know you aren't leaving the lovely world of fiber behind.
One of the advantages of getting older is that 'should' is just in your own mind.
You 'are allowed' to work with fiber, go out, do nothing, read a book, spend too much time at the computer, whenever you like (and, in my case) read a few newspapers each day, very slowly.
(for the rest of course getting older means your teeth fall out, your legs won't carry you all sometimes, you get pains in places you never felt before - who cares...)
Loved your pictures, as usual!
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