Thursday, July 02, 2015

Weaving Anyway

I realized that I'll be climbing the walls before our 45-day escrow closes if the only thing I do is pack, so I decided yesterday to put together my warping reel and wind a warp.  I could see it was going to be a little more complicated than just "put together" when I saw the notice on the top of the contents - Unpack Carefully!
So I identified each piece and checked it off the list.  The instructions were to sand everything carefully - all the pieces!  Then I needed to apply a coat of their special oil to each piece, let set for 30 minutes and then repeat.
While I was waiting I found an inspiration photo for tide pool colors.
I'm limited in my colors since I had my big order of replacement yarn shipped to my son's house in Oregon.  I don't want to pay to ship it twice!
From start to finish it took me four hours.  I was very careful though and I'm sure someone else who is experienced in wood working would have done it in half the time.  Needless to say it wasn't ready to use yesterday so I used my warping board instead.
These are the colors I ultimately chose and the color pairing.  It felt great to be planning a project and just be in my studio.  I'll start weaving on it today.  Mel Sharp, a weaver in Arizona, quoted George Burns as saying - doing normal things makes you feel normal.  This made me feel like myself again.  I'll face packing another day.
And good news on the llamas.  We couldn't get in touch with Toni, the woman we had expected to help us with them.  Her phone was disconnected and no one had the new number.  Her dad is our neighbor but he wasn't home.  When I finally got in touch with him, he explained the Toni had disconnected her landline and only had a cell now - phew!  I called and left a message which was unanswered for several days.  One morning she called early and chatted with Ian.  They agreed to wait until after this heat spells breaks so Ian is going to town today for more hay.  She thinks she knows someone who would like to have a couple of seasoned guard animals.  So another piece of this puzzle has fallen into place.  It takes a huge load off my mind.


Cindie said...

Lovely colors for these next towels - great inspiration.

Kim said...

Moving is so hard, and I have done it a lot. We were lucky our landlord was reasonable in his pricing so we could buy the house when he needed to sell.
The towels will be gorgeous! I love the inspiration, and the colors are luscious....I need to weave more. Haven't touched the loom since early spring when I took off the wool I had been weaving. Time for linen!