I love this hat - I think it turned out great, but when I tried it on, it was much much too large. I remeasured the gauge and it was still 5 stitches to the inch, but when I measured the hat it was 24 inches! Both my boys have huge heads,so at Christmas I asked Matt to try it on. I think I saw a whole new definition to head cover. It covered his head, right down to his nose. So reasoning out what the gauge must be, not what I measured, I knit another hat and got this.

I really like this hat too, and best part is that it fits me. I have to tear out the first one because it's just not functional. I just haven't been able to make me do it.

You can see the problem for yourselves. If the hat right the right fits, then the much prettier hat but huge hat on the left must be redone - sob.
Toss it in the wash? It just might work. If it gets too small (horrors)it'll make someone a great gift!
Been there and crying with you.. what a lovely design. You could always donate the larger one to charity, though you did say it was too big to fit the boys.
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