Little Sharon had told me about a great yarn shop, so Ian and I put Noah in the stroller and walked to 18th and Sanchez to Imagiknit. The shop was as promised and I was finally able to buy sock yarn for my sister-in-law and her mother. I picked the crazy colors for Rochelle. I figure I have all summer to knit them, but I'm already pleased with how soft the yarn feels. I haven't liked a lot of the computer-dyed sock yarn because it's too harsh on the soles of my feet.

I also bought this baby yarn. I made a sweater for Noah from it last year. It's Elaine by Schaeffer. I thought it was superwash but realize tonight that it's handwash only. Not the smartest pick for a baby sweater. Noah's has held up well though. All of a sudden it seems like I have too many projects to knit. I guess I did all along, but just now seem to be aware of it.

We left San Francisco on a normal, foggy gray morning with temps in the mid-60s. It was the only day of the entire trip that I had the appropriate clothing. The kids are happy to live in the City and we were happy to be going home.

I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me at home in the piles of mail, mostly junk. Sylvia had finished the fingerless gloves and sent them along with chocolates. The fit is perfect and I love love love the color. She offered them to me because I had admired them on her blog. She even emailed me for specific measurements so she could make them perfect, and they are. Thanks Sylvia!
hi sharon glad your back-i missed reading your blog. those fingerless mittens are too awesome!!!!!!!
What a great trip - well, except for misjudging the weather. Actually when the bay is that warm I think it is extra-special as people crawl out from buildings to soak in that unrecognizable (to them) orb we call the sun. Isn't Sylvia the finest?! I was lucky to travel and camp with her to and from Black Sheep a few years ago.
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