Granddaughter Elise as flower girl, experiencing a moment of sudden shyness. Can you image at age eight, all those people?? She was great, and did I mention beautiful?

Grandson Noah, the ring bearer. He's the youngest of our grandchildren, a native San Franciscan - not many of those these days. He and Elise took a tumble the day before while playing with a balloon. He ended up with a cut lip, wouldn't you know it.
We enjoyed the reflection of Carlos and Esther's spontaneous personalities in every part of the event, including the poker game for the groom and his guys, and the visit to the nail salon for the ladies. I have to admit that it was my first pedicure, but it was a blast. The moms ended up in an overflow nail salon and I thought it was pretty cool to be included - mom two and a half.
After the wedding and before the honeymoon in New York, the kids came up visit us at my sister-in-law's place in Oceanside. Here are three Mrs. Campbells.

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