I made this a number of years ago for Kiernan to snuggle with on the sofa while watching the television. I'd like to make a second one so Allie has one too. So often when they're visiting, we have a fire in the wood stove. It's been warm of late, so Ian has had kindling set to go - we just haven't needed it. After the kids woke up and came downstairs on Saturday morning, Allie was very worried about the wood stove. "Oh, oh! The fire not working," she told me with alarm.

This is how much of our Shetland I've spun up so far, and I'm not sure if I'm even halfway there. I'd like to have it finished in time to enter the lap robe into the Made in Nevada category at the state fair in August. I keep getting sidetracked with stuff like the dye day results.

This is the swatch from the defragged sweater. I had planned on it being my trip knitting, but I am not pleased with the fabric. I sat on the sofa this morning with a stack of Vogue magazines and my swatch, looking for inspiration. Then I realized that what I like is the garter stitch - it makes the color bits really pop. Now I'm reswatching for garter, but clearly it won't be what I take on the trip. Guess I'm stuck with the socks that I have been avoiding.
This is my last blog for about ten days. The doggies go to the kennel in the morning and the computer goes to the shop. We're headed to California - that sounds silly since I drive in California to go to work. We're going to Ian's youngest son's wedding in San Diego, then we'll drive up to Oceanside and spend a couple of days with my SIL at her beach house with our Redlands family contingent. Then we fly to Oakland and take Bart (Oh, I know about the bridge - gleep) to the Mission District where we'll spend a couple of days with our youngest grandson - oh, and his parents. Then we fly home and see what price gas is now. See you next week. It's such a treat to see our California family. I wish I could put the time in So-Mo.
Have a wonderful time in SD!
Have a terrific time! I will miss you but look forward to photos of your adventures and the wedding.
I love that basket of Shetland yarn. A beautiful array of colors. Good insight about garter stitch and color bits. I hadn't thought of that but you're right. Do have a good trip and a safe one!
Say hi to the Mission district in SF for me. I worked on 25th street on and off for almost 15 years. I miss the authentic Mexican & Central American food!
Have a wonderful trip.
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