Bighorn sheep sighting - this is Nevada's state animal so I am very excited to see one for myself. Wait - is this poor animal jaundiced or merely mirroring the nearby mule ears. I think closer inspection is required.

And upon closer inspection, I can see that it is one of the Artown sheep, come to live in the wild. As you can see for yourselves, he has horns, coming and going. Reno artists were challenged to decorate sheep for the annual arts month a couple of years ago. I don't remember this one, but that's because he escaped to the wild.

Yesterday was one of those days when even I was impressed by the big sky. I must have taken a half dozen pictures on the drive to work. I need a bumper sticker to the effect, Caution - I brake for the sky. Someone at work asked me what I do with all my pictures. I said, upload them to Flckr? I don't know the answer. That little smidgen of yellow out there is the clustering of mule ear.

That long mountain in the back-
ground is Dogskin Mountain and it is the only 7.5" USGS quad-
rangle in this state that isn't printed as a single map. It's printed on the same paper as a 1:100 map and that mountain is my back yard. Huh? I don't know what that means either.

Rit dye remover for my indigo dye bath in a couple of weeks is why I went to the store on my way to work. I was waiting for the signal to turn and just had to grab my camera. The sign advertises a Starbucks drive through and a WalGreens drug store drive though, and the sign is flanked by Kentucky Fried Chicken, US Bank and Jack in the Box, all with drive through windows. Don't we ever get out of our cars?!
Great sheep! I remember when St. Paul did the Peanuts characters, and Madison did colorful cows a couple years ago.
I love the sheep, but the sky tops it and a whole lot of other sights... isn't it nice that if you have to commute to work, at least the view is fantastic?!
If you find that bumper sticker get one for me too! When I am able to upload all of my pictures from the trip, you need to go see some of the absolutely gorgeous sky scenes we captured on the way there and back! I was even impressed and though I always snap them, it always seems like the picture isn't near as beautiful as the real thing...
No ad but you can make your own bumper stickers at http://www.cafepress.com/ I think your idea is great!
Love the sheep! I've seen mermaids and horse that different cities have done. That second sky picture is cool. Now, if the grocery store was just drive through......
Great blog, and I don't think the drive throughs will fare well with the gas prices. I have never used them, I would rather get out and meet new people, lot of nice folks in this world. congrats on your recycled pets, love animals & reading myself...
I love your pictures. The sheep idea is great. Harrisburg did the same kind of thing a couple of years ago with cows. Sure are some talented people in the world.
It's good you explained the condition of the sheep - I was thinking it was the most jaundiced thing I had ever seen!
My RM Penstemmon "travels" a bit in our garden too - I have more and more coming up with each passing year. I really ahve to get in there and thin them out a bit.
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