Twice before I have made socks from triple plied yarns from rainbow dyed rovings. Both times they didn't fare well with wear. For one thing, I spun the singles too thick and I wasn't careful with the washing - it only takes one mistake to ruin all that work. This time I accepted that I was essentially spinning lace weight singles and considered it practice for my newly acquired interest in lace. It took a month to spin and ply.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Socks from Handspun
Twice before I have made socks from triple plied yarns from rainbow dyed rovings. Both times they didn't fare well with wear. For one thing, I spun the singles too thick and I wasn't careful with the washing - it only takes one mistake to ruin all that work. This time I accepted that I was essentially spinning lace weight singles and considered it practice for my newly acquired interest in lace. It took a month to spin and ply.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
8th Annual Spinsters Retreat

ground for our 8th annual Spinsters Retreat. It's the second weekend in September and the weather has been all over the map, from freezing to delightful, which it was this year. We set up our spinning circle under the pines and then chased the shade as the sun moved overhead. This is about a quarter of the circle.

Saturday is the Swap 'n Sale and it starts from time people arrive and goes all day. This year we had five tables, one which is all free stuff. That's where I put the yarns that came with my loom, and I was so pleased when Virva took them because they were perfect for what she was weaving.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Catching Up
I think of Mickey as oatmeal, or whatever you call not quite white. I love to spin it - good thing. I have seven pounds!
Reading: Ghost Train to the Eastern Star: on the tracks of the Great Raily Bazaar by Paul Theroux. This is the same trip he took 33 years ago. While I didn't read the book this is based on, I did read Riding the Iron Rooster, and after hearing his NPR interview, knew I was in for a treat. It's measuring up.
Read on Vacation:
A Good Year, by Peter Mayle: Yet another story in France, but it was delightful and is what I think of as the perfect beach read. Russel Crowe stars in the movie according to the book cover.
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, by Lisa See. I started this book months ago but lost interest. I'm glad I picked it back up again, but oh my, what a different world for women in cultures not based on the Judeo-Christian ethic. I am reminded again that I lucked out on the birth lottery.
Shosa, by Isaac Bashevis Singer: This was a reread for me, but the book has been on my mind for years and this vacation was its time. It's a love story in Warsaw on the eve of the Nazi occupation. Again, I am stunned at how powerful religion is to culture. I bought this copy. I have to reread some sections.
Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons: I'm not sure what this book was supposed to be - I have always enjoyed her writing, my favorite being Colony. The last chapters were just plain concocted, but that's my opinion. I can't recommend it.
I finished three nonfiction books but they were personal interest subjects so I'm not listing them.
Listening: All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot, read by Christopher Timothy. I'm listening to this on my commute and it is an absolute delight. It's narrated in the Queen's English, with the characters assuming their local Yorkshire accents. My mother and I read this when the book was new and I know it's really a collection of short stories, some touching, some funny. It's so much fun to have these characters brought to life in their own dialect. I laughed for miles this morning at Chapter 27. I can see where Monty Python had the raw material for their humor. And having sheep of my own now has given me a new appreciation for these stories.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Two Dish Towels
They actually looked like dish towels when I folded them and that's where they are now - in the drawer with the others. I cannot believe how much I like their feel and I'm looking forward to correcting my mistakes on the next towels. For one thing, I warped first, then decided on size - won't do that again. Also, I didn't calculate my own sett but relied on a chart - won't do that again either. And after having my too heavily-weighted floating selvedges break - they both broke - I know that I'll use them again. Alexia crawled all over me and the bench as I finished the second towel. Gwamma - what are you doing? Weaving dish towels. Why? I don't know.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Learning the hard way
Since this is all practice, I decided to use a contrast color for the first towel and no contrast for the second - just curious. In the Weavers Companion, two pages before the "Setts for some common yarn styles" is the "Using inch wraps to determine sett." I didn't bother to check, since I had the yarn size on the inside of the cone. However, when I did do the wraps, it came out to 28 wraps per inch. Twill is calculated at 2/3 the wraps per inch, and doing the math, I came up with 18. Since I was beating at 18 picks per inch, I've decided to put another warp on the loom at that sett and see if I can't produce a square beat. Ugh~
I put on floating selvedges and to weight them, used empty jelly jars. I was in the middle of the first towel, and was wondering if I really needed them when the right one broke so I was left with just the left one. I had thought the jars might be too heavy, but what a great way to find out if the floaing selvedges were of any benefit. My selvedges were consistently awful. Selvedges? Fuhgetabout.
We're babysitting tonight so my new loom has already gone into its first time out. My friend Linda has the same loom and I need to see how the braking system is assembled before I put on a warp. I'm confused. It's been a day of confusion.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Doin' Stuff
I really wanted to get my LeClerc Artisat assembled. Here it is, and since this is our spare room, my plan is to fold it up and slide it into that dormer area behind when guests come. I paid for a loom and bench, and I received in addition two boxes of books, a warping board, an inkle loom and one very very large box of odds and ends of yarn. The yarns were materials and bright colors that I knew I would never use. I was thrilled to adopt them out to my friend Virva, a weaver from Finland who loves color. Have you ever know someone from a Northern Climate who didn't?! I'll share about my new weaving library another time.
And look at the simplicity of this tie-up. I have only woven on Gilmores so I didn't know it could be so easy. I haven't even put a warp on this loom and already I'm planning on trying other tie-ups on it.
I also finished getting this 24 epi warp on my 24" Gilmore. Oh, funny - I just realized the epi and loom weaving width are the same. I have mostly woven at 8-10 epi, so this was a whole 'nuther experience - lots of little threads and they seemed to multiply as I worked. I was thrilled to only have three threading errors.
I bought these partial cones years ago at a weaver's sale and I have no idea what to expect. I used the Ms and Os threading and tie-up from the Weavers Companion, but when I looked at Sharon Alderman's book the other day, her threadings and tie-up are different. This assures me that I have no idea what I'm doing or talking about most of the time. After crawling around on the floor to change the tie-up, I became married to idea that when this warp is off, I will restore this loom to standard tie-up and for ever after amen, the Artisat will become the loom of "other."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Gifted Hats
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Theme was Fiber

Grandson Logan wanted to learn to knit. What power of concen-
tration! He was absolutely determined, and you can see him practicing on the sofa in the first picture.

Alexia expressed her interest in fiber by laying on the "Turkish" rug from Costco to watch a movie on one of the five laptops in the house.
What power of concen-
tration! What flex-
Sunday, September 07, 2008
We Celebrate

I brought Ian out and he felt the same way. We contacted the realtor that Mim suggested, who is a neighbor, and within weeks we owned our own parcel. We would drive out on weekends, sit in our two chairs and imagine the future. BTW, that's not our dog.

tion. Larry also sold our house in town, but recommended that we not list it until we were ready to move. It sold the day it was listed, the Saturday of Black Sheep Gathering, so we had to conduct the negotiations and sale by cell phone and faxes at Kinkos in Eugene, Oregon at a buck a page -ouch. We moved into our house in August 2002. Just one year had passed.
pated visit from 11-year-
old Audrey riding bareback on 22-year-old Mercedes. Her mother was here, so she decided to ride the couple of miles over and surprise us. At the top of the drive, she gave a huge wave that would have made the Queen Mother proud. The kids were thrilled and the adults became kids.

This is the picture of Audrey that I have. Check out her boots. The picture that I wish I had, and no one got because no one expected her visit, was her royal arrival. You can see why she stole the show.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Morning after The Gathering
I was chatting with the ladies about his carrier and food. He heard my voice, he shot out from under the cat bed where he had been snoozing and looked wildly around for my voice. I'm selfish. It was gratifying. Cats sparingly dole out their demonstrations of attachment and affection.
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