I am really nervous about moths. I've been checking my studio, and just when I thought I'd gotten them licked, I found a basket today that I thought was wool in a plastic bag, but under it was unprotected wool with active moths. The basket and everything went into the trash.
I was pleased to be able to recover this Icelandic yarn from a plastic storage bin that I had sequestered last year. I reskeined, washed and reballed everything. Other than the smell of mothballs when I washed the skeins and a few breaks, I am relieved that this yarn has been retrieved.

I'm not sure if it was the sounds of spring through the open window, or the feelings of getting on top of the moths, but I decided a cleaning of my studio was long overdue. Also, I was having to step over and around piles in order to get anything done.

The sad thing is that it's straight-
ened but not cleaned. I ran the vacuum and am embar-
rassed at how much I collected. I got really dirty and yet there's plenty of surface cleaning that needs to be done and will just have to wait. At least I feel like I can work in it again.

I got a warp wound and ready to thread. It was so pleasant to wind with the window open, and the birds heartily singing in the trees outside. Yesterday, I chose the right day to spend on the deck, because today the wind has blown hard to bring in the new storm system - a warm and windy day.

These are the two towels I got from my last warp, 2/2 twill on the left and tabby on the right. I think it's inter-
esting that twill just wants to hang nice and tabby, as cool as it looks, is bunchy.
What made you suspect moths? I have never seen them before and am not really sure if I would know what to look for. I do have cedar blocks and balls in all my containers but who is to say that works 100%. I have a cedar linned drawer that has some knitted items so maybe they are safe. I am trying to figure out how to store all my sock for the summer months. The drawer is full so I have to come up with a plan B. I loved your towels. Those are lovely. I can't weave but love the look of woven items.
A cleaner studio should me more playtime. Hope you get the time and no more moths!
Moths! Yipes!! Hate them!!!
That's great that you got your studio cleaned up some! I should take a vacuum to mine one of these days! (No need to dust since practically every surface is covered with project parts .....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)
The towels are cool! I like those colors together! We just leave our towels on the counter....but I see so many people hang them up. I'll have to check to see how mine look hanging sometime!!!
Weave on!
MOTH - ultimate bad four letter word. I once purchased a lovely felted wool and embroidered hanging at a flea market. A couple of months later I found a little white worm in the fleece I was spinning. Yup, a moth lavra. I got to looking around my studio took a closer look at my felted wall hanging and it was crawling with the little white lavra. Like you after I burned the wall hanging I cleaned from top to bottom and every where in between. All of the wool yarn and fleece or roving I had ended up in the freezer for three days. A mess I wouldn't wish on anyone.
What did I learn? Anything bought at a second hand store or flea market got a three day visit to the freezer before I allowed it mingle with my yarn.
I forgot to tell you I've chosen your blog the Kreative Blogger Award.
The towels are lovely. Twill is usually drapier than plain weave, and it certainly makes the towel hang nicer.
I'm sorry about the moths, but I was glad to get a peak into your studio. Mine is the last place I like to clean, I wonder if that's common amongst weavers.
Those nasty, sneaky moths! It is a constant project for us wool lovers. Your studio looks very inviting.
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