Our foster dog Sammy has left a present for Charlie in his scratching box. Charlie is still having a hard time accepting the new, self-adopted and mostly full-time family member. I think Sammy senses Charlie's feelings and is trying to make amends.

The gift has not been graciously accepted and is, in fact, being treated with a large degree of skepticism.

Okay, the claws are out and if you could follow the path of Charlie's eyes, you'd know exactly where Sammy is. Alien creature, come get your stinkin' rope.

Okay, okay - I get it, says Sammy. You don't want my toy, I'll take my toy, but you'll be sorry. It's a good toy. You're missing out here.

How about you? Would you like my toy? It's a really good toy - you'll be missing out here~
Hmm. I think Sammy is sweet for trying to share. What do the "real owners" think of the situation?
Sammy is a neat dog, glad he found you :)
What a cutie! Charlie seems...enamored? No, that's not the right word...less than pleased.
Lizzy sometimes likes to share her rawhide, after she has chewed on it awhile, of course. It is better that way!
Ahh Sammy has a wonderful new family!
He is a real sweetie! He can come visit here anytime... I guess I'm just more a dog person than a cat person. Sorry Charlie.
You know, I think Charlie may be right. You never know where a dog's mouth has been:-)
What cute photos. Actually Charlie seems pretty accepting of Sammy.
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