esting, but Mim and are talking about a dye day later this Spring with natural dyes, and as they say in the South, I'm fixin' to get ready. The white is Bluefaced Leicester and will be hats. The grey is Lincoln/ Corriedale - odd cross breed I'm thinking.

As a nonegenarian, Mother taught SD Sharon to knit. She has stayed with it and her skills have improved to the point that she is one of the knitting instructors at the Waldorf school our grandson attends. Last week Shazzy asked me again, "When am I going to get some of your handspun yarn?" I've put it off too long so this is it. I'll ply these two together to get 8 ounces of yarn. That's not much yardage, but maybe she can knit something for Noah? Now I just need to spin it.
Love the roving you bought. You're right it sure is a good buy. What do you plan on doing with it?
The fiber group in this area is thinking of doing a dye day soon too. I suppose I will have to figure out something to take with.
I'd like to try longwool someday - the lustrous but soft kind. The binder at the meeting had an interesting sample I'd like to try.
Such beautiful even spinning...lovely yarns.
Lovely spinning. I just love anything yarny and gray.
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