I wove this off the LeClerc. Nancy is going to help me learn to warp from the back this weekend and I needed to free up the loom. The bad news is that once again calculated the sett too tight. I think this was at 22 epi and probably should have been 16. Oh well. If I can weave a rug equivalent on the lightweight LeClerc, then I can weave one on my sturdy Gilmore. With that I am pleased. It was that miserable sticky llama yarn and the fabric is scratchy. At any sett, I don't think it could have been a scarf. Also, I finally figured out how to weave listening to my iPod and it was wonderful to weave to the music.
This can only become a bag. I've folded it in half here, but it speaks to me of denim. I have a pile of blue jeans in the top of my closet that I haven't been able to weed out. I know I'll never be a size 10 again but somehow those jeans are still up there, taking space. One pair is headed for a bag.

The last time Eddie tackled a car he ended up like this. Actually he ran into the side of the car, trying to herd it and a lug nut severed a vein in his leg. The gate was open, however briefly, and he managed to damage himself, almost to death. Ian was on the road to work and had to come back for us. I compressed the wound but ended up with so much blood on me that when we came out into our vet's waiting room, the people asked me if I was okay.

That was almost two years ago and Eddie has been a good boy ever since, until. Until last week when he decided he needed to herd Steve's truck. He streaked out under the fence and jumped out in front, and in spite of Steve having come to as close to a stop as one can have on gravel, Eddie managed to get a gouge in his side. And he's a licker, which is why he had to wear the cone last time. Ian plugged the hole - yet again.

And of course, he couldn't have done this on a normal business day. Ian had to drive him to the after-hours emergency vet, something I hadn't thought to budget for in our retirement considerations. We didn't see a choice. And the licking started, followed by the backfoot scratching.
Poor pup!! I love the T-shirt. What a great idea! Hope he heals quickly. How about pillows for you weaving?
Eddie! Quit chasing cars! You gotta put it together eventually, dont you? Pass that on Sharon :)
Poor Eddie and poor bank account. I feel your pain. Having a baby boxer has cost us a fortune. That was something we didn't see coming either. My other female killed my trip to Sock Summitt by having surgery a few months ago. Thank goodness I had saved the money to go to Oregon while I was still working! I do love my puppies but they get costly at times. I hope Eddie heals quickly!
Oh Sharon,
I have a herder too, a Border/Aussie mix and while a very smart girl it's like all thought leaves her pretty head and flies out the window when it comes to cars.
All those genetics to herd. I wish I could reason with her. OTOH, the terriers simply think they stop a car
by standing in the road and challenging it. Sheesh!
You'll get the back to front warping. It's not hard at all.. You're scratchy llama yarn might make a nice overshot runner woven with some fine linen...
I've been wondering if there's any way to use or treat a scratchy yarn so it won't be scratchy. Perhaps not.
That fabric will look great as part of a bag!!
Oh, poor pup!! I like the T-shirt solution instead of a cone (as does your dog I'm sure). I'm glad there are emergency vets, even though I hate going there!
Oh no, poor Eddie! I hope this time will be the last herding incident.
My cousin's cat got hit by a car last spring, and her vet uses the term "HBC" to describe such incidents -- it's even code in the charts.
I think Buster likes that t-shirt. Great idea. No, I believe that they want to kill the car after being hit once so this may be a on going thing for the rest of Eddies life. We had a dog who thought he needed to kill porcupines that doesn't work either!
How about a shock collar? He's sensitive enough (like Harry) to get the connection... I'll bet it would at least make him think twice! Of course, you have to be there to see it, and take action. Maybe you could set up a sting operation for him!
I just got a sound device to stop my dogs from chasing things such as my horses. It makes a very loud noise that dogs can hear but humans can not. It has worked like a miracle for me.
Not so much paradise for Eddie....poor pup. We can scratch our heads at his repeat performance, but we do the same thing...only not at that level.
Can't wait to see how the woven/jeans bag comes out!
Glad he is enjoying the chance to recover!
Oh no, poor Eddie!!!!! Always something to spend your retirement money on. Love the shirt idea.
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