I don't use Gmail very often, just for Facebook, but last night I popped to see if I had missed any FB comments, and found a message from John's parents, asking if they could initiate contact. They felt that John needed contact with his biological family. I replied, and this morning found this mesage in my inbox. I wish we had gone with Matt's instincts. I am on pins and needles, waiting.
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for writing. We have been crying… we’ve been waiting with John for this contact. He will be thrilled.
I wrote to Chris. We are about to leave for Atlanta and will be back next Wednesday eve.
John has gone to class and will be out at 12:45 today. We will let him know then and forward your emails to him. He has no classes next week.
Your blog was unbelievable. Yes, Matt and John look like twins. In Chris’ book for John, we always have seen the similarities with Chris, too. I looked at her face book page and asked to be a friend…. Her photo in costume is definitely a John pose.
We can’t tell you how happy we are to have heard from you and Chris. We have been so thankful to all of you for entrusting John to us. We love him so much.
God bless all of you,
Karen & Paul
I didn't blog it because I knew you would :)
Hurry up and wait
Hurry up and wait
Whoa! Nothing calm about retirement at your house. Wildfires, long lost loved ones...what's next!?
Oh man, now I'm all choked up! I must not have known you when you blogged about this last year, because that post was a new one for me. I am so thrilled for all of you that John and his parents want contact! I do think you were right to wait on their initiative, though. May this bring new richness to all your lives - and not any extra heartache.
How wonderful for you and your family to have contact. Please don't leave us hanging. We will want to hear every detail and see a family photo! Who wouldn't have tears after reading any of this??
Wow how cool is that. It's great to hear that he and his parents want to have more contact with you.
GREAT, to know he has such a wonderful family and they want to meet you. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
wow, you have brought tears to my eyes.....good for you, good for your family.
It doesn't get any better than that. Off to blow my nose. You and your family and extended family are gems.
Life is sweet, though sometimes it takes a long time to get to taste it. My heart is filled for you. I hope the fires are better too.
How amazing. Here's to many happy times with an even larger family.
This is absolutely wonderful! :)
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