Frustration. I thought today was going to be a chill day before cooking for Thanksgiving but when I turned on my computer this morning, I had a message from Joe Winter - Pottery sale this weekend, bring soap. Gotta go back to glazing.

I thought it was next weekend and I was going to stop by Office Depot to print more soap labels *next* week after my haircut. Since I needed to update labels to match new stickers I ordered - two hours on the computer. Then walk dog to mailbox to send letter. I'm not exercising the dog - it's me.
Drive to town, buy five books - University bookstore having a 40% booksale today only. Get home at near dusk.

More frustra-
tion. I knitted this pair of socks from Tofutsies yarn and have probably worn this pair a dozen times. I was stunned to find this one in the laundry, minus the sole. I have knitted and worn dozens of pairs of socks. I have never worn out the sole, more likely the heel. I checked the soles of other socks and I find a felted web, probably from heat and friction. Not happy.
Hopefully your frustration will just be contained to that one day and not spread out and overtake your week!! It does sound like a frustrating day.
What a bummer about the sock. That seems really weird for it to wear out so quickly. I wonder if it got caught on something in the wash - although it does look like the wear patterns on socks that actually wear out on the sole.
Oh no Sharon,
That's a total bummer about the socks. I know I would be frustrated too since it takes me forever to knit a pair.
The Jimmy Beans store manager was at our spin-in Sunday and told me that they're not going to carry that yarn anymore. It's just not satisfactory. I thought about mending the sole but I think it will happen again. They're sitting here on the counter, daring me to throw them away.
I always wear out my soles. That's the main reason I want to learn how to knit socks - so I can keep myself in good socks! :) Now, I just have to quit "collecting" everything I need and get busy! Oi!
We decided to go out for T-Day dinner and I will cook a Turkey Breast over the long weekend. Of course, I had to get a cold to be able to do it this way. heeheehee
And thanks, Sharon...for letting us know about that particular yarn. That's one I'll definitely stay away from.
Hmmm... I've never knitted anything from Toe-Footsies before, and, like, you, tend to wear out the heal, first. So, is this a darning project or a "Darn!' before dropping it into the garbage project?
I hope today has been less frustrating for you!
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