We are standing on the High Line, which is an abandoned elevated freight railroad line built in the 1930s to eliminate fatal accidents in the Chelsea and meat packing district. By public demand it has been rescued and is now designated as a greenway. Currently it runs about 1.5 miles though more development is planned. The people fought for it and the people use it.

There is seating everywhere, something that was in short supply on our jaunts so we availed ourselves. It's really a long thin park, planted in xeric landscape and wonderfully enveloping environment. As we look our leave, I noticed this artist and asked if he'd mind if I took his picture.

I took this picture from the living room window the night before we left of the sun setting over the Hudson River. We had the full gamut of weather while we were there, as though it were thwarting all prognostications.

So what did we bring back from New York besides memories. Let's see. I brought back a signed copy of
The Women by T.C. Boyle. And this is, in fact, a picture of T.C. Boyle that I took with my very own camera. Our book group read his book,
Inner Circle last month, so I was able to have a easy conversation with him about it. I had expected a dude with a 'tude and I couldn't have been more wrong. I found him warm, interested and quick witted, though I already knew about the latter.

What else did we bring back from New York? This wig for Alexia for one thing. She absolutely loves it. I also brought back books from The Strand, a bookstore on 12th Street and Broadway that advertises 8.2 miles of books on three floors. Niece Allison showed it to us on our first trip and it has been a destination for me ever since. No visit there is long for me. In fact, I bought so many books that I had to buy a backpack at Macy's - okay, I did buy something besides a beer - so I could put them in there and check the bag. With Southwest, you get two bags. It was a
real book bag. I guess I don't have to tell you that I had a great time.
Oh what a fab trip and you gotta love the pink wig. Did you get one for yourself too? ;-)
I've enjoyed virtually tagging along on your trip to NYC!
I love it that you bought enough books that you needed a book bag!
"Pretty In Pink"
Thanks for taking us along on your trip!!!
I'm so happy you bought books and then needed a bag to bring them home. Wonderful!!!!
Neat trip and it's good to have you back!
i see you have the wearing of black has indeed rubbed off on you:)
sounds like a fabulous trip.
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