Our weather is nothing, if not perplex-
ing. This is week seven that I've shot this same location. It rained all night and the snow is gone. Three dogs times four legs makes for lotsa mud in a house.

The temps have warmed into the 40s and the grass has started to green. What the heck in the world, as a young friend used to ask. We are so totally not supposed to have rain in December and it's forecasted for the entire week. At least we don't have to worry about mowing the grass. After dark the rabbits move in and mow it for us.

I finished the last hat tonight and it's blocking. I always say I've knitted the last one but boy oh boy, are they seductive. They just look so good when they're finished. This one looks like mocha and whipped cream. However I am beside myself to get back to some fun knitting for me me me.

So these are the hats that I've punished myself to finish for the craft fair this weekend. I'm crossing my fingers that someone out here will realize how much they need an alpaca hat to protect their frosty head and support our purchase of a Wii. Yes "we" did :) We have had it since yesterday and fell in love with it, so when we went into town today for our annual lab work (annual physicals) we bought the Wii Fit Plus package and extra charger. I haven't been able to slog through the mud to walk and don't want to drive to town to the gym. I hope this slightly blind purchase will be the exercise solution I've wanted. Merry Christmas to me~ Please someone, buy my hats and make me merry-er.

Meanwhile, I've found time to get back into my studio. I find it hard to weave on gray days since the light is so terrible, but now that we're back to Indian summer of sorts, I cannot wait to get up there. Wait - is Indian summer wet?

I am thrilled with the colors of the baby blanket. I'm so excited to finally get some weaving done on it. Of course, we were in town today and I'm in town all day tomorrow, have an Association meeting on Thursday, baking cookies on Friday, craft fair on Saturday, please God, drag me outta bed for church on Sunday. When did I ever find time to fit a job into my life?!!
The rain... oke. Your hats....lovely. And the babyblanket is so cute.
I do hope you sell a lot of hats, makes the workout even better.....doesn't it?
Rain! How amazing. The hats are beautiful - good luck at the fair.
I think you need to invest some of that "hat cash" in a good light or two to weave by! I bought myself a small Ott Light; Ott Lights are supposed to be the best for true color. But there are a lot of bulbs out there that are supposed to do the same thing, available for whatever fixture you have.
Back to my miniSpinner - WHEE!
Those hats are gorgeous Sharon! Love the blankie too :)
I remember rainy Decembers in the past, I remember 85 degrees in February too! I have come to the conclusion that the only consistent thing about NV weather is that its not consistent.
Rain here too.
Those hats are just lovely. I bet the micha and cream ones go first! ;)
Have fun with the Wii, lucky dog.
And the weaving!
I like the mocha colored one, too! Some day I'll get brave enough and try a blanket - I really like the colors in yours... Not sure if I am jealous of your rain or not. I understand the mud and paws situation. I'm pretty sure I'm done with mud for oh, 5 months or so? Cold here and snow.
I agree with Michelle. You need an Ott light. I have one that I can clip to my loom (or wherever I need it). I don't know how I ever lived without it.
If there's a Hobby Lobby near you, they often have them on sale, at really good prices. We bought a second one for my hubby, since I appropriated his.
We don't live near a Hobby Lobby anymore, which is too bad. Maybe they sell online?
I absolutely luv your hats. I could really use one right now as it has gotten very cold here!
The hats are lovely.. the baby blanket rocks.. I found a really good, fairly powerful daylight bulb at a DIY/Hardware store for about $7. It is great to weave by and I wouldn't do dark or similar colours without it!
Ick on the rain. This time of year if we get rain, it is freezing rain or turns into an ice storm. We've had days of snow though and while we've been lucky to have just steady flurries, just to the north west of us, they've gotten 90cm - 144cm since Monday.
Sharon, you mean knitting those hats isnt' fun???
The baby blanket colors are great! I may need to borrow them to do some baby blanket weaving of my own.
Love the hats, love the weaving and gotta love how boring retirement is! I like the idea of the rabbit mowers. We have a few of those here but they are few and far between.
That baby blanket is awesome!!! What great colors!
Just remind people that alpaca is warmer than wool - and softer, too. That ought to sell 'em!
Rain, eh? We are getting your snow, then. "Wintry mix" predicted for tonight with up to an inch of ice is some areas. Driving to work tomorrow ought to be a blast.
Your hats should all sell as you did a wonderful job with the colors and the designs that you chose.
Sorry about the rain/mud as that gets old fast! It's supposed to rain here, and I'm really, really hoping that it won't rain in the mountains and melt the snow :-(
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Wii fitness program, as I've thought about doing the same thing.
Great colors on the baby blanket!
The hats are great, Sharon. You have been very busy creating also! I agree with you about your blanket colors--they are great, and non traditional. Love what you have done so far. What baby is it for?
You do the best hats!
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