I wound the warp today, in between a couple loads of laundry and lunch break, and since I had it fresh in my mind, decided to go ahead and start dressing the loom. I've had problems warping back-to-front on every warp, getting at least one bout twisted, which torques the stripes and requires me to abandon the cross - ugh.
I talked about it with Lisa Minter at our guild Christmas party. My guild friends are aware of my cross struggles and it pained Lisa that they still continue. I just would like to be competent in which ever direction I choose to warp and frustrated that I've been unable to find the key to this dilemma. Lisa pondered for at least a half hour and finally said - try this. Tie the top of your cross in one color and the bottom in another. I chose to tie the top of the cross in yellow and that's what you see here on the lease sticks -my yellow ties. A quarter of the warp in in this cross and I had it threaded in 30 minutes without a hitch. The solution never appeared in print because I appear to be the only weirdo, but I'm on it now and it feels great.

I'm a little disap-
pointed that colors aren't as bright as I had anticipated when they're juxtaposed. The designer's original colors were much better, but I didn't want to repeat the blanket with her colors since both babies are in the same family. I was choosing from Internet swatches and she owns the shop. I sure hope that the other crosses are as trouble free since that would mean I'd be able to sley tomorrow. I'm so impatient!

I finally finished knitting my vest as Ian and I watched the Nevada State of the State address tonight. I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't to hear the governor spend half the address stripping finances from an education system that is already dead last in the nation. When he announced his new cabinet level panel comprised of business leaders I thought I would faint. He wants to further reduce the wages of state employees and proposed elimination of the university faculty tenure track. I could go on but I won't - I'm too depressed. Ian reminds me that all this has to be approved by the legislature.

So I'm back to what to do about the trim on this vest. I was very critical of the designer's use of a garter stitch band. It just didn't appear compatible with the design and I have all along smugly thought that I'd either do I-cord or a couple rows of crochet. However, having finished the vest without giving any thought to why the designer chose that wide garter stitch band, I'm afraid I know why she did it. The front edge needed something in addition to stockinette, just like in scarves. Were I to knit this again, I'd add either garter or the six stitches of the pattern on the front edge to prevent the rolling. Then I could add a minimal edge. At least an inch of the vest is drying in a little sausage roll along the band edge. I'll be knitting a garter-stitch band after all.
What about a seed stitch around it? Looks beautiful though, very nice as is the warp. Glad you got the cross straightened out. I find it easiest to just put the bouts on the lease sticks right away, and in order....
Oregon too is pretty low in the rankings with their schools but there is a lot of try in this state to improve I can't even bear to deal with the political crap these days nationally. I remember the time when they used to be able to come to the table and actually compromise to the benefit of the everyone.
The vest is lovely. And I was thinking that I liked the colors in this blanket better than the other (shrug).
Interweave caught me with one of their coupons and I bought Madelaine Van der Hoogt's warping dvd. Watched it while winding all those warps for dye day. There were a few tips and hints that I had never come across before. She covers front to back, back to front, paddle warping, warping stripes.....just about everything except sectional warping. I recommend it to anyone where the thought of warping keeps them from weaving.
What a beautiful sweater vest! It looks like something a faerie would wear.
And what a stinky governor. Can your state have a "no confidence" vote and boot the moron? I'll bet he never once mentioned cutting his own salary.
Theresa beat me to it - seed stitch would be good, with an I-cord bind off. It would look very finished. You could also do a lace top flap, with a plain under flap (assuming this has some closure?) or both lace - that would be interesting!
I love that you are getting new furniture. I have been looking for months and months for what I want. I love how colorful your loom looks. I can't wait to see the finished product!
I like the colours in the new blanket, even if they aren't as bright as the first one. They work well together and look very natural.
Oh no... I don't understand why education is being undervalued right now.
On the other hand, the vest looks great! Very subtle and classy.
That warp looks like a lot of fun! With all those colors, it's going to be fun to watch your piece progress.
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