I'm trying to figure out how to weave with these yarns. The three on the left are handspun silk and the scarf on the right, which is now frogged and in two balls, is from the Rambouillet alpaca. I have eight balls of the mohair that I bought at a guild silent auction for $2.00. I bought it realizing that I might be able to tie it in. I don't have yardages yet and really don't know if I can achieve an attractive fabric from these odd balls, but I'm thinking about it.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today with a high of 60 degrees. I was cutting rag rug strips this morning and when I saw the warm forecast was for just this day, I ate lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck. I pulled the scarf apart outside since the alpaca is hairy and was a little messy. It was a perfect day for reading and I probably should have used sunscreen.

I love these colors together - the green, terracotta and blue.

It felt like a holiday which seems odd since I don't have a job!
I saw some beautiful sky today, too, but had no time to take photos! I need to retire.... Is that why my word verification is "miani" (suspiciously close to Miami)?
Lots of colour inspiration in those beautiful landscapes - so similar to your yarns!
Evelyn mentioned just what I was going to mention about yarn and sky colors. It sure looked and sounded like the perfect January day.
Great colors - go ahead and weave! Why not mix? You know me - I follow no rules, at least the first time I do something! I see toes and flip flops... NO FAIR! It was an icky cold day here yesterday. Snow blowing into enough drifts that I had to break a path for the cars with my truck as we left work. Think I just heard -24 windchill on the radio. Oh how I long for a January thaw!
What a great day to spend outside! I love the pictures!
Wonderful blue skies. You are wearing flip flops in January?? Winter is just beginning to hit us hard here in Ontario!
We've just had a couple of -19 days so your weather sounds so spectacular. Today is mild, just above the freezing mark but it's drizzly and miserable. Even the dog doesn't want to go outside. Your photos are spectacular. I've been longing for a true blue sky for days now.
The colours you have should work well together. You could just wind a mixed warp, regularly not as you choose and go for it. I'd do a sett check by winding the warp threads together for an average. Should be lots of fun!
That's exactly how I look at retirement: Every day is a holiday and I go about enjoy every one of them.
Love your pictures!!
Not sure how one gets a flip flop worthy day in January when you also get snow!
Kids here had the day off school because of black ice this AM. Temps in the mid-30's had me out scraping the slush off the driveway since our temps are in the teens tonight and the slush would become ice if not removed.
If you use the fuzzy mohair in the warp, you may want to size it. Fuzzy mohair will stick to it's neighbors and fibers will rub into little balls with will tangle things up. It can be done, but must be done very carefully. sample, sample, sample...
What a great day to be outside, just enjoying your wonderful view!! You must have had a big smile on your face :-) Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Nice sky shots!
Yikes!!! Bare feet!!
I like your colors for the rug - it ought to be bright and very cheerful. Perfect for winter.
So how many yards are in 30 pounds of fabric?
Always love your sky shots! Beautiful!
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