I had to be in town early this morning to see my eye doctor and because it was my assigned holiday for Nevada Day - if you don't live here, don't ask, -I decided to follow up on Isaac's suggetion to you use a personal shopper from your favorite department store. In short order I found myself with Vanessa, who for three hours, assisted me in identifying sizes, brands and looks for my work-week wardrobe needs.
I was stunned to be so attracted to this purple vest. I don't wear purple. Amy wears purple. Then Vanessa put it with colors that I would have never thought of, but she also put it with colors from makers she had determined would fit me. She made shopping so easy. My daughter says this is the most expensive free service that I have ever had. Mizrahi says you need to empty all your closet onto the bed and then try on every garment.
ment. It took me two hours and I filled these three bags - I'm up in the air on the boots. It was hard to fill these bags because I know what I spent on the items that I put into them. Now that I've bagged up my clothes, and I've been attached to them for way too many years, I really feel much better. I especially feel good about the remaining clothes in my closet not being smashed together. The shopping part was fun. The closet rennovation was really painful and hard.
Wow, I've never known a real person who did this; I'm impressed! (I'd also like you to model your new wardrobe!) The only fashion show I ever watch is (occasionally) "What Not to Wear," and I've learned a lot from that. But I don't know that I could clean out my closet as I know I would be advised to. I should; maybe your example will inspire me. Not that I need to go shopping; I have plenty of appropriate clothing for the life I lead.
I need to do this to my WHOLE house! I keep telling myself that I would feel SO much better if I cleared out a bunch of stuff. Problem is - I'd need a couple of months to do go through it all!
I so need to buy more clothes. My profession has never demanded anything more than blue jeans and t-shirts, so that comprises the bulk of my clothing. In fact, with kids and a DH in mining, everytime I manage to budget clothing in, someone has ripped the crotch or the inseam out of their pants or grown out of them and I end up buying them clothes. *long suffering sigh* ;-)
You know, I used to do that every two years alternating betw. October and March (to take care of the seasons). That was when I was working and didn't feel guilty about dropping over 1k all at one time on clothes. But I wore every outfit until they were almost threadbare.
I'm no clothes horse, but I'm sure that if I added up everything I buy w/o help now, it would still add up to the same amount of money, with more waste.
At the time I was doing that, I needed some "professional" clothes. Will they do it for mostly sportswear items or do you have to throw a suit into the mix?
BTW...curious minds want to know...what colors went with the purple vest?!!
I realize I left a long of things dangling in my attempt to be succinct. The clothes I purged were from my running weight. I have gained 6" in my waist since then. I actually only bought four pair of pants and the vest, but I tried to use some of Mizrahi's suggestions with my remaining clothes, including the use of accessories. I was surprised to see that even with my thicker waist, a belted garment appears more finished. And of course, the Empire waist is returning which is helpful. The colors with purple ending up for now being mostly black, greens and burgandies, and everything has to washable since a library is really a dirty place.
I'm just coming out of the closet to admit I watch "Project Runway" also. Love to watch all the creativity at work. I'd like to know what colors you put with the purple vest.
A crisp white also looks nice with purple. And more purple, of course! If you are feeling adventurous, a deep autumn russet looks amazing with eggplant purple.
Sharon, what an adventure! I don't think I could be so brave as to let someone else do my picking out for me.
Hurrah for you! What an adventure. And I love the purple vest. As far as I'm concerned purple goes with everything -- pea green, red, burgundy, turquoise, whatever. The trick is to get a blue purple (which it looks like you have there). Pink purples are harder to match to other colors.
Heeeeeeeey What's in those bags? I wanna see!
nice post!
thanks for sharing it, really wonderful
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