I had to spend the day in town and was able to take DIL Missy to lunch for her husband's birthday. My poor boy. He's sick and alone in Oregon for his birthday, living in their fifth wheel for the third month. Having lunch with his wife was awesome - sorry Josh. He gets his wife and kids back this weekend. They get to move into their house after tomorrow and Missy drives up on Saturday. It's a hard transition, but Bend, Oregon is awesome. I highly recommend Bend, but I will miss them terribly.
I am seduced by the full moon every month. It is so breathtakingly beautiful. When it's warmer, I go outside to gaze but it's below freezing tonight.

I pulled over a couple of places, and as always with digital photo-
graphy, there's a surplus of images. I fooled around with enhancing these but decided to show them as I shot them. It wasn't even 5:00 in the afternoon.

We got our tree up yesterday. It literally takes me hours. Ian and I string the lights together but I hang each ornament. Every ornament is a memory. Gary and I talked about decorating trees today when I got my haircut. I told him that we don't decorate. We hang memories. I bought a little Guggenheim when we were in NYC and that's the newest memory that I hung.

Charlie loves this season. He doesn't get to go outside so he loves it that the outside comes to him. I gave away "surplus" ornaments to a young lady who had her first tree this year so ended up looking for interesting new ones on eBay yesterday. I bought out an estate sale of Campbell Kids ornaments. Guess what my last name is :)
The same moon captivated me last night. It was even more amazing as it came up over the horizon, but I couldn't get a good shot of that. I did stand outside in the cold on the balcony for a long time watching that moon, since the "unstuffed cabbage" was already in the oven for dinner.
Great pictures of the moon. Amazing. You sure do have a pretty Christmas tree!!!!! We haven't put a real tree up in ages but manage a lot of other decorations.
Gorgeous moon shots!! The moon is really bright right now.
I know what you mean about Christmas ornaments being full of memories. I unpacked some of ours today. (We decorate sparingly.)
I love decorating for the holidays! So many memories wrapped up in all those boxes. Your tree is so pretty and the moonscape is beautiful!
The tree is just lovely, and I quite like the idea of hanging memories!
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